
e-Payouts for WooCommerce

e-Payouts is a platform that allows you to integrate a collecting system in any website or online business, to sell products and services worldwide.
עודכן לאחרונה
October 23, 2020
התקנות פעילות
e-Payouts for WooCommerce

We offer the best collecting solutions in the market, so there will always be a sales channel available that suits your customer's needs. We are a Company with years of experience in the market. We are focused in providing global collecting solutions through multiple and well known payment providers. That, allows our customers to focus on selling goods and services, saving time and money by integrating a collecting system on their projects.


Payment methods:

Recommendations and important notes

  • Some payment methods provided by e-Payouts (such as credit card payments) will confirm the payment immediately, so the payer will see the payment status as "Completed". However, other payment methods (such as local cash payment services) may take longer to confirm the payment. In these cases the payer will see the status "Processing". After the payment is confirmed by the local payments provider, the status will internally be updated to "Completed". Depending on your specific needs, you may want to use the "Hold Stock" WooCommerce setting if you need to make sure that stock is available for payments that are not notified immediately.
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