
WP-Ranking PRO

"WP-Ranking PRO" totals a page view, and into which a popular article can be formed by various elements or periods.
Mis à jour récemment
October 20, 2017
Installations actives
WP-Ranking PRO

« WP-Ranking PRO » is a widget plugin with advanced features to display the ranking of popular articles in each elements and period on your blog.

Main Features

  • Time Range – It displays the ranking within the specified period of time.(eg. 24 h, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, all, etc.)
  • Mobile-friendly – Make an aggregate individually in the PC and mobile(smartphone, tablet, etc.). Mobile accesses is distinguished by the user agent and a rank is made.
  • Ranking Cache – The ranking data has the ability to cache a certain period of time.
  • Shortcode support. – You can make your own page on ranking.
  • PHP code support. – By the specify the ranking information to be displayed in the PHP code, you can make any rankings page.
  • Multi-widget support.
  • Custom-widgets capable – Them rankings can freely customize title, characters, various articles, various categories, various tags, period, equipment or HTML tags, and more.
  • Display a thumbnail of your posts. It is possible to select a thumbnail to display.
  • Exclusion from the aggregation target. – You can exclude access from a particular environment from the aggregation target.(eg. the origin of access, HTTP referers, user agents, logged-in users.)
  • Custom Post-type support!

Other Features

  • Summary of rankings can be displayed on the dashboard (wp-admin).
  • Automatic clearance of log. – Data is accumulated by a data base, but I have the function from which the log which accumulated can be eliminated automatically.
  • Rebuild cache
  • Clear cache

There is following function.

  • Periods: 24 h, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, all, and more
  • Exclusions: the origin of access, HTTP referers, user agents, logged-in users

Language support

  • Japanese
  • English
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.