wBounce improves bounce rate to boost conversions and sales. The free alternative to Bounce Exchange for WordPress.
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July 24, 2019
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wBounce is the free exit popup software for WordPress, evolved by Kevin Weber. This plugin bases on Ouibounce by Carl Sednaoui.

Exit popups are not only « in vogue », they are provably increasing conversions and therefore boost marketing, signups and sales. wBounce displays an inline popup before the user leaves your site. (« Inline popup » means that this is NOT one of those out-dated, annoying popups windows.) Inline popups catch the visitor’s attention even if they are in the process of leaving your site.

wBounce is the free alternative to charged services like Bounce Exchange or OptinMonster that are often used for landing page optimisation. wBounce is lightweight and renounces unnecessary scripts. You decide which features will be developed and implemented next.

One concern in everyone’s interest: Make sure to provide VALUE when you use wBounce and don’t spam your visitors.

This plugin makes it extremely easy to implement exit popups. You don’t have to manually « hack » your WordPress theme. Just activate and modify it via your admin backend. It works with WordPress Multisite so that you can define a wBounce template for each site in your network.

Demo and more information on the developer’s website: kevinw.de/wbounce/

You want to enhance this plugin? Please contribute on Github.

Fonctionnalités :

  • Display inline popup before the user leaves the site
  • Alternatively display popup on enter or after a certain time period (self-acting fire)
  • Set custom content via backend
  • Define custom content for pages and posts individually using a flexible template engine which uses so-called « magic shortcodes »
  • Lots of open/exit animation styles
  • Shortcodes from other plugins are also supported
  • Determine sensitivity, cookie expiration, hesitation, and more
  • Add custom CSS
  • Set default status: Define if wBounce should be fired on posts and/or pages by default. You can override the default setting on every post and page individually.
  • Event tracking with Google Analytics and Piwik
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