
SocialMark – Easy Watermark/Logo on Social Media Post Link Share Preview

Add your logo/watermark/overlay to your wordpress social media post share link preview(open graph image). It will not change your website image view.
Mis à jour récemment
April 4, 2024
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SocialMark – Easy Watermark/Logo on Social Media Post Link Share Preview

SocialMark is a WordPress plugin that allows adding overlay/watermark to social media post link share preview. It gives the option to use different images for social media (Twitter, Facebook) and add overlay/watermark to the preview. The plugin enables 2 different watermark positions(9 in premium version) to set overlay at different places on the post image. There are two settings options: universal settings for all posts and pages, post-wise settings for individual page/post. SocialMark also works with Yoast SEO and RankMath plugin’s open graph settings. Add sponsored image on your social media news/post preview easily.

SocialMark Plugin Features:

  • Automatic Process: The plugin will generate different SocialMark image based on your settings.
  • Auto Resize: Automatically resize image based on aspect ratio
  • Different Position: You can set your watermark/overlay from 2 different positions on your featured image
  • Transparent Image: Overlay image can be transparent
  • Extensive Settings: 1 Setting all posts/pages.
  • Unlimited Overlay/Watermark: Upload unlimited overlay/watermark image and choose the one you need from the list
  • Enable/Disable: It is posible to enable or disable SocialMark all posts and pages
  • Transparent Overlay Support: Overlay image can be tranparent
  • Yoast SEO Supported: This plugin can generate image for Yoast SEO plugin open graph meta also
  • RankMath Supported: Automatically generate Twitter and Facebook image for RankMath plugin
  • Change og:image for: JetPack, All in one SEO, SEO press, OG, Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags, graphite, and all other plugins.

[+] SocialMark Premium Version Extra Features – Only $14.90/year:

Buy Premium Version

  • All Free Features plus
  • Different Position: Add overlay/watermark to your social media post preview image at 9 different positions.
  • Post-wise Settings: You can set different overlay for every post/page individually.
  • Category-wise Settings: You can set different overlay for specifice category’s posts.
  • WooCommerce: You can set overlay and different featured image for WooCommerce product for social media.
  • Custom Post Type Support: Enable/Disable SocialMark for custom post types such as property, car, directory etc.
  • Disable for old posts: Disable SocialMark for old posts by entering a date.
  • Different Feature Image: You can upload different feature image only for social media
  • Enable/Disable: It is posible to enable or disable SocialMark for any post or page individually as well as enable/disable all posts/pages
  • Full Width Image Auto Generation: Full width image generation with background color for square size and portrait images
  • Regular Feature Update: We usually add customer requested complex features exclusively on premium version

SocialMark Installation:

SocialMark Demo:

Check live demo


  • From the WP admin panel, click « Plugins » -> « Add new »
  • In the browser Click on « Upload Plugin »
  • Choose the « socialmark » plugin zip file and click « Install Now »
  • Activate the plugin
  • Go to SocialMark Plugin Settings or Click « SocialMark » from admin menu
  • Add Overlay
  • Select plugin options
  • Save Changes
  • You are ready to go
  • Alternatively, you can manually upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins directory
  • Don’t forget to add feature image to your post
  • Easy way to test social media open graph preview
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