
Search & Filter

Search and Filtering for Custom Posts, Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Post Dates and Post Types
Mis à jour récemment
May 20, 2024
Installations actives
Search & Filter

Search & Filter is a simple search and filtering plugin for WordPress – it is an advancement of the WordPress search box.

You can search by Category, Tag, Custom Taxonomy, Post Type, Post Date or any combination of these easily to really refine your searches – remove the search box and use it as a filtering system for your posts and pages. Fields can be displayed as dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons or multi selects.

Links: Search & Filter Documentation | Follow us on Twitter

Get more features with Search & Filter Pro

  • View live demo >> demo 1 | video
  • Search Custom Fields, Post Meta, Authors, Post Types, Post Dates, Taxonomies, Tags, Categories
  • Use AJAX to display results – no more page reloading!
  • Search Post Meta/Custom Fields with checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, multiselects or comboboxes
  • jQuery range slider, date pickers and auto-complete comboboxes for selects and multiselects
  • Order Results Field – users can order results by meta value, Post ID, author, title, name, date, date modified, parent ID, random, comment count and menu order
  • Drag & Drop editor
  • Use custom templates
  • Create as many fields and different search forms as you like
  • Use for blogs, reviews sites, news sites, property sites and more.
  • Use for your online shop – tested and compatible with WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads
  • Place anywhere in your themes and posts using shortcodes and widgets
  • Works with WPML
  • Works with Advanced Custom Fields
  • Extremely easy to use admin UI, fully integrated with WP 3.8+
  • Dedicated Support
  • More info >>
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.