The Offerfwd plugin enables you to add opt-in offers from your partners to your WP page(s). You will need to create a Connections account at conx.
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February 1, 2021
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The Offerfwd plugin enables you to add opt-in offers from your partners to your WP page(s). You will need to create a Connections account at in order to use it.

With the Connections platform you will be able to create a unique placement which you will add your partner offers to. The placement is then populated into the plugin’s iframe on the page(s) where you want the opt-in offers to be displayed.

The Connections platform ( is owned and operated by Opt-Intelligence. The privacy policy for the Connections platform can be found at:

The URL which is called within the iframe is, also owned and operated by Opt-Intelligence. The privacy policy for the Connections platform can also be found at:

For each user who visits the page(s) where you have the plugin shortcode integrated, this plugin reaches out to Opt-Intelligence, with non-personally identifiable and/or one-way hashed information which you populate into the URL, if any, and Opt-Intelligence then returns the relevant offers which you have added and designated to the Connections platform.

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

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Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.