
Ninja Forms – Modal

Ninja Forms Modal makes it super easy to open any Ninja Form in a pop up modal from a text or image link.
Mis à jour récemment
February 13, 2015
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Ninja Forms – Modal

Ninja Forms Modal makes it super easy to open any Ninja Form in a pop up modal from a text or image link. This plugin requires Ninja Forms to function.

Simply use the [ninja_forms_modal] shortcode and pass it the following parameters: your form ID (id), the text or image url you would like to be used as the link to your Ninja Forms Modal (text_link, image_link).

Here is a example of a text link: [ninja_forms_modal_form id=2 text_link= »Click here to fill out out form »]

Here is a example of a text link: [ninja_forms_modal_form id=2 image_link= » »]

Now when anyone click that link your Ninja Forms will open in a very nice modal window. Coming soon we will be adding style definitions for the modal window to the Ninja Forms Layout & Styles Extension.

Ninja Forms Modal uses jQuery Modal which is licensed under the MIT License


For any assistance, please visit our website:

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.