Use shortcodes for conditional logic based on post meta or taxonomy terms.
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April 28, 2016
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This plugin enables the use of [if] shortcodes to work with conditional logic based on the existence of post meta or taxonomy terms on posts and pages.

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With conditional logic for taxonomy terms, you can use names, slugs or term_ids:

  • [if taxonomy= »category » slug= »cars »]Content to show[/if]
  • [if taxonomy= »category » name= »Cars »]Content to show[/if]
  • [if taxonomy= »category » id= »123″]Content to show[/if]

Post Meta

Post meta (or custom field) logic can be used to check if a certain meta_key AND meta_value combination are present or just a meta_key:

  • [if postmeta= »car_model »]Content to show if car model info is present[/if]
  • [if postmeta= »car_model » value= »Tesla Model S »]Content to show if car model is Tesla Model S[/if]
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