
Exit Intent Popups & Promo Bars by MaxTraffic

Make the most of your existing traffic! Generate leads, re-engage and sell more.
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December 14, 2017
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Exit Intent Popups & Promo Bars by MaxTraffic

What is MaxTraffic?

MaxTraffic is a company that offers several different CRO tools as a cohesive set of digital marketing solutions. Our solutions are universal enough to be relevant for any brand with a strong interest in increasing their revenues and client engagement from digital channels.

Exit Intent Popups

Use Exit Intent technology to display an offer to visitors right when they are about to leave your website. To catch this moment, we analyze mouse cursor movement direction, speed & check if several tabs are not opened. It also works on mobile devices.

Our overlays are highly adjustable, allowing you to personalize your offers and present them to different visitor segments.

Depending on your strategy you can use exit intent overlays to: – generate leads; – upsell and cross-sell; – reduce cart abandonment; – present special offers or discounts; – remind about ongoing offers.

Promotional bar

Promotional bar is a small bar that appears and sticks to the top or bottom of your website. To get even better conversion results, use sliding promo bar!

You can use promo bars to: – generate leads; – upsell and cross-sell; – present special offers or discounts.

Track, Analyze, and Improve Your Results

MaxTraffic plugin allows you to track your campaigns in real time! The dashboard of our app displays the number of conversions brought on by MaxTraffic with clear visuals to help you interpret the data. Analyzing your results will help you to improve existing campaigns or inspire ideas for future ones to reach better conversion results.

Free 7-day Trial

Enjoy free 7-day trial and see how MaxTraffic can get you more conversions. If you decide to stick around after the trial, we will prepare a custom pricing offer based on your website traffic. Once the conversions start rolling in, our plugin will pay for itself (and more)!

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.