Ajoutez des fonctionnalités à votre site avec des extensions

Ajoutez de nouvelles fonctionnalités et intégrations à votre site grâce à des milliers d'extensions.

333 extensions
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    Antispam Bee
    par pluginkollektiv
    Extension anti-spam qui protége votre site des commentaires et rétroliens indésirables. Programmé pour assurer la protection des données et la confidentialité.
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    Comments - wpDiscuz
    par gVectors Team
    AJAX powered realtime comments. Designed to extend WordPress native comments. Custom comment forms/fields. Making comments has never been so awesome!
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    Delete All Comments of wordpress
    par Navneet Soni
    Delete all comments from your wordpress database easily.
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    Honeypot Anti-Spam
    par Raiola Networks
    Protege WordPress del SPAM mediante honeypot.
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    One Click Close Comments
    par Scott Reilly
    Conveniently close or open comments for a post or page with one click from the admin listing of posts.
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    DCO Comment Attachment
    par Denis Yanchevskiy
    Allows your visitors to attach files with their comments
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    Comments Like Dislike
    par WP Happy Coders
    Like Dislike for WordPress Comments
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    Comment Reply Email Notification
    par Arno Welzel
    Cette extension notifie l’auteur d’un commentaire par e-mail en cas de réponse à son commentaire.
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    Relative URL
    par Tunghsiao Liu
    Relative URL applies wp_make_link_relative function to links to convert them to relative URLs.
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    par Bologer
    AnyComment is blazing-fast commenting plugin based on React for WordPress.
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    Anti-spam Reloaded
    par kudlav, webvitaly
    No spam in comments. No captcha.
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    Anti-Spam by Fullworks : Spam Protection
    par Fullworks
    Block automated comment spam with Fullworks Anti Spam. No reCAPTCHA or quizzes needed. Get ultimate protection with our effective antispam firewall.
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    Simple No Comments
    par Jitendra Singh Dikhit
    Easiest plugin to disable/remove comments from complete site.
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    DoFollow Case by Case
    par Apasionados, Apasionados del Marketing, NetConsulting
    DoFollow Case by Case allows you to selectively apply dofollow to comments and make links in pages or posts "nofollow".
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    Decent Comments
    par itthinx
    Decent Comments shows what people say. Provides widgets, shortcodes and API to display comments including author avatars, links, comment excerpts.
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    Word Replacer
    par Takien
    Replace word by another word in post, page, or comment. And... bbPress
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    cbnet Multi Author Comment Notification
    par chipbennett
    Send comment notification and comment moderation emails to multiple users. Select users individually or by user role, or send emails to arbitrary emai …
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    Comments Shortcode
    par Sirius Pro
    This plugin allows you to use a shortcode anywhere to display comments on WordPress pages and posts along with the comment form.
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    Batch Comment Spam Deletion
    par Pippin Williamson
    Modifies the Empty Spam action in WordPress to process the spam deletion in batches instead of all at once.
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    Lightweight Subscribe To Comments
    par Isabel Castillo
    Easiest and most lightweight plugin to let visitors subscribe to comments and get email notifications.