Keep a comprehensive log of user and system changes that take place on your WordPress website with the the #1 user-rated activity log plugin.
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July 4, 2024
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WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log es el plugin de registro de actividad más completo para usuarios conectados y cambios del sistema.

Keep an activity log of everything that happens on your WordPress sites and multisite networks with the WP Activity Log plugin to:

  • Garantiza la productividad del usuario
  • Mejorar la responsabilidad del usuario
  • Fácil resolución de problemas
  • Saber exactamente lo que están haciendo todos tus usuarios
  • Gestiona y organiza mejor tu sitio y usuarios de WordPress
  • Detecta fácilmente comportamientos sospechosos antes de que surjan problemas de seguridad.

WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive real-ime user activity and monitoring log plugin. It helps hundreds of thousands of WordPress administrators and security professionals keep an eye on what is happening on their websites and is the most highly-ated activity log plugin for WordPress.

Features | Get WP Activity Log Premium | Getting Started

WP Activity Log has been featured on the websites of some of the most popular and leading businesses in the WordPress ecosystem, such as WPBeginner, GoDaddy, and Kinsta.


Melapress develops high-quality WordPress management and security plugins such as Melapress Login Security, CAPTCHA 4WP, and WP 2FA, the #1 user-rated activity log plugin for WordPress.

Browse our list of WordPress security and administration plugins to see how our plugins can help you better manage and improve the security and administration of your WordPress websites and users.

Modificaciones y detalles de WordPress que guarda WP Activity Log

As a comprehensive and thorough activity log solution for WordPress, WP Activity Log not only tells you that a post, a user profile, or an object was updated, it also lets you know exactly what was changed within the post, the user profile, or the object.

Abajo tienes un resumen de los cambios de los que el plugin puede guardar registro:

  • Post, page and custom post type changes such as status, content changes, title, URL, custom field, and other metadata changes

  • Tags and categories changes such as creating, modifying or deleting them, and adding or removing them from posts

  • Widgets and menus changes such as creating, modifying, or deleting them

  • User changes such as user created or registered, deleted, or added to a site on multisite network

  • User profile changes such as password, email, display name, and role changes

  • User activity such as login, logout, failed logins, and terminating other sessions

  • WordPress core and settings changes such as installed updates, permalinks, default role, URL, and other site-wide changes

  • WordPress multisite network changes such as adding, deleting or archiving sites, adding or removing users from sites etc (activity logs for multisite networks).

  • Plugins and Themes changes such as installing, activating, deactivating, uninstalling, and updating

  • Cambios en la base de datos de WordPress como cuando un plugin añade o quita una tabla

  • Changes on WooCommerce Stores & products, Yoast SEO, WPForms, Gravity Forms, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), MainWP and other popular WordPress plugins.

  • WordPress site file changes such as new files are added, or existing ones are modified or deleted.

For every event that the plugin records it also reports the:

  • Date & time (and milliseconds) of when it happened
  • User & role of the user who did the change
  • Source IP address from where the change happened
  • The object on which the change has taken place

Refer to WordPress activity log event IDs for a complete list of all the changes WP Activity Log can keep a record of and a detailed explanation of what change every event ID represents.

Actualiza a WP Activity Log Premium y obtén mucho más

La versión premium de WP Activity Log viene cargada con más características todavía para llevar la administración y seguridad de tu web WordPress al siguiente nivel.

Con la versión premium de WP Activity Log obtienes:

Listado de características premium

  • See who is logged to your website in real-time,
  • See what everyone is doing in real-time,
  • Desconecta a cualquier usuario con un solo clic,
  • Genera informes en HTML y CSV,
  • Recibe avisos por correo electrónico de cambios importantes,
  • Get instant SMS message alerts of critical site changes,
  • Search filters to fine tune the search results and find what you need in seconds,
  • Almacena los resgistros de actividad en un abase de datos externa para mejorar la seguridad y escalabilidad.
  • Replica el registro de actividad en sistemas de gestión de registros como AWS CloudWatch, Loggly y Papertrail en tiempo real,
  • Replica fácilmente los registros en tiempo real en sistemas de comunicación como Slack,
  • Enviar una copia de los registros de actividad de tus webs a un archivo de registro en tu propio servidor en tiempo real.
  • Archiva los datos de registro de actividad a otra base de datos para un mejor almacenamiento y gestión de registros.

Refer to the WP Activity Log plugin features and benefits page to learn more about the benefits of upgrading to WP Activity Log Premium.

Compatibilidad del plugin de terceros WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log puede guardar también un registro detallado de cambios que se dan en plugins de terceros, incluyendo:

  • WooCommerce: Keep a log of changes you and your team do in the WooCommerce store settings, orders, products, coupons, and much more.
  • Yoast SEO: Keep a log of the Yoast SEO plugin settings changes, and also of the on-page SEO changes you and your team make in the Yoast SEO meta box.
  • WPForms: Keep a log of the changes your team does in the WPForms plugin settings, forms, form files, entries (leads) and more.
  • Gravity Forms: Keep a log of the changes your team does in the Gravity Forms plugin settings, forms, forms settings, entries (leads) and more.
  • MemberPress: Keep a log of the changes in your MemberPress powered website, including plugin settings changes, memberships, payments, subscriptions and other changes that your team does on your website.
  • bbPress: Guarda un registro de cambios en foros de bbPress, debates, ajustes de bbPress y más.
  • MainWP: Guarda un registro de cambios de la red MainWP y puede ver los registros de actividad de todos los sitios hijo desde un único lugar – el escritorio de MainWP.

Refer to activity logs for third party WordPress plugins for a complete list of all the plugins WP Activity Log can keep a log of.

Otras características dignas de mención

On top of the comprehensive activity log, WP Activity Log also has a number of non-logging specific features that make it a complete WordPress logging solution, such as:

Free and premium support

Premium world-class support for WP Activity Log is free via email or through the WordPress support forums.

Note: Paid customer support is given priority and is provided via one-to-one email. Upgrade to Premium to benefit from priority support.

For any other queries, feedback, or if you simply want to get in touch with us, please use our contact form.

As featured on:

Related links and documentation:

Puedes encontrar información más detallada acerca de WP Activity Log y sus beneficios en los enlaces de abajo

Instalar WP Activity Log

Instala WP Activity Log desde WordPress

  1. Visita «Plugins> Agregar nuevo»
  2. Buscar por «WP Activity Log»
  3. Instala y activa el plugin WP Activity Log
  4. Permitir u omitir el seguimiento del diagnóstico

Instalar WP Activity Log manualmente

  1. Descomprime el archivo ZIP del plugin y súbelo al directorio /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activa el plugin WP Activity Log desde el menú ‘Plugins’ en WordPress
  3. Permitir u omitir el seguimiento del diagnóstico
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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.