This plugin will enable you to easily embed your Raise The Money contribution form in your WordPress website.
Última actualización
July 4, 2024
Instalaciones activas
Raise The Money

Raise The Money makes it simple to accept political contributions on your website. You will be able to:

  • Accept credit cards and ACH transfers
  • Have funds deposited directly into your bank account
  • Receive recurring contributions
  • Flat rate of just 4.9% per transaction
  • No setup fees, monthly fees, or hidden costs

Before using this plugin, you will need to create an account with Raise The Money. Once you have an account, you will be given a shortcode for your contribution form.

Your shortcode will look like this:

[raisethemoney form="demo"]

You can place it anywhere in your website where you would like your contribution form to appear.

Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.