PricingTable to display pricing grid on your WordPress site.
Última actualización
July 28, 2024
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Pricing Table by PickPlugins

Long waited premium pricing table plugin for WordPress published to display pricing grid on your WordPress site. this plugin generate pure HTML and CSS3 grid to display pricing table data. Variety of support for style, themes and table items to display as your needs. Could be possible to generate hosting style pricing table grid, flat grid, hide blank filed or display blank field with cross icon.

PricingTable by

Plugin Features

  • Unlimited pricing table anywhere.
  • Unlimited Column & Row.
  • Display YouTube, vimeo video on each column.
  • Easy to use anywhere via short-codes.
  • Header description text.
  • Price Description text.
  • Display image for each column.
  • Column Header background color.
  • Column Price background color.
  • Column Price background color.
  • Unlimited ribbons.
  • Featured Column.
  • Slider on mobile.
  • Tool-tip text anywhere.
  • Background Image for table area.

Pro Features

  • 25 Total different themes
  • Column animation
  • Slider/Carousel view on mobile.
  • Currency Switcher.
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