Plugins you need to get your projects done
17 plugins
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    Disqus Comment System
    de Disqus
    Disqus is the web's most popular comment system. Use Disqus to increase engagement, retain readers, and grow your audience.
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    Disqus Conditional Load
    de Joel James
    Use Disqus comments with advanced features like lazy load, shortcode, widgets etc. Don't let Disqus to slow your site down.
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    pipDisqus - Lightweight Disqus Comments
    de pipdig
    A lightweight solution for adding Disqus to your WordPress blog.
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    Disqus Recent Comments Widget
    de Deus Machine LLC
    Disqus has dropped support for their recent comments widget. This plugin creates a configurable widget that will display your latest Disqus comments.
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    Disqus Latest Comments Addon
    de Adrian Gordon
    Display latest Disqus comments in a page, post or widget
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    Disqus Notify Post/Page Author
    de Janne Cederberg
    If using Disqus, the authors of posts/pages do not get notified of comments if they're not Disqus moderators. This plugin fixes that.
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    Remove Disqus Ads
    de Mowshon
    Remove annoying ads from Disqus Comments.
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    Disqus Recent Comments Widget Advanced
    de Rahul Ramesh
    This plugin will add a recent comments widget for Disqus, to your WordPress site. The widget will not impact your site loading time, as all the querie …
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    Disqus Popular Posts
    de Thor
    Creates a widget to show the most popular posts and pages on your site based on Disqus comments. Can also be used with a shortcode.
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    Force Ping Display with Disqus
    de Thomas Spear
    Shows Pingbacks and Trackbacks above Disqus comments.
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    WooCommerce Disqus Comments and Ratings
    de Zachary Martz
    WooCommerce Disqus Comments and Ratings gives you better control over palcement
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    Disqus Count JS Fix
    de Avishay Bassa, Geektime
    This plugin fixes the 'split' error caused by Disqus Plugin. This Plugin was developed by Geektime's dev team for internal purposes onl …
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    Lazy Disqus
    de Tang Rufus @ WP Human
    Lazy load Disqus comments, Max speed!
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    Disqus Conditional JS Load
    de Jimmy Peña
    Stop the loading of Disqus Javascript on pages/posts where comments are closed or not available.
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    Disqus Popular Threads Widget
    de Presshive
    Shows your most commented posts from Disqus via widget, shortcode, or template tag.
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    Disqus Comments Importer
    de Automattic
    Import comments from a Disqus export file.
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    de XXLBoard
    Besitzt du noch kein XXLBoard Forum? Hier kostenlos erstellen