WPQuiz allows you to add a simple quiz/questions to any post/page
Zuletzt aktualisiert
April 30, 2014
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WPQuiz allows you to create a quiz (one or more questions/answers) and add it to any post/page using the built-in tags [wpquiz id=?] and [wpquiz_text][/wpquiz_text]. After installing, you can create a new quiz or edit the sample one by accessing it from the admin Dashboard->Settings->WPQuiz. Once you’ve created a quiz there you can easily add it to a post/page from the Add/Edit post/page editor’s WPQuiz meta box. The plugin stores its questions/answers in two tables in the database.

The answers are not stored, only checked and shown back to user. Storing and/or giving more feedback is planned for the next release, comments welcome.

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