Optimiere die Funktionalität deiner Website mit Plugins

Erweitere deine Website mit tausenden Plugins und profitiere von neuen Funktionen und Integrationen.

800 Plugins
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    Limit Login Attempts Reloaded
    von Limit Login Attempts Reloaded
    Blockiere übermäßige Anmeldeversuche und schütze deine Website vor Brute-Force-Angriffen. Einfache, aber leistungsstarke Werkzeuge zur Verbesserung der Website-Performance.
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    von Softaculous
    Loginizer is a WordPress security plugin which helps you fight against bruteforce attacks.
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    Limit Login Attempts
    von Johan Eenfeldt
    Limit rate of login attempts, including by way of cookies, for each IP. Fully customizable.
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    LoginPress | wp-login Custom Login Page Customizer
    von LoginPress
    LoginPress ist ein Custom Login Page Customizer Plugin, mit dem du das Layout von Login-, Admin-, Kundenlogin- und Registrierungsseiten ganz einfach anpassen kannst.
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    Hide My WP Ghost - Security & Firewall
    von WPPlugins
    Hide WP paths, wp-login, wp-admin and more. Security against Brute Force attacks, SQL/Script Injections. 7G & 8G firewalls against most bot attacks.
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    Login Lockdown & Protection
    von WebFactory Ltd
    Beschränkt die Anzahl von Anmeldeversuchen von einem vorgegebenen IP-Bereich innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums.
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    All In One Login — WordPress Login Security Plugin to Protect and Customize WP Admin
    von AIO Login
    Do you want to secure and customize WordPress login page (wp-admin)❓ Download All in One Login plugin for ultimate WordPress login security and custom …
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    Custom Login Page Customizer
    von Hardeep Asrani
    Custom Login Customizer allows you to easily customize your admin login page, straight from your WordPress Customizer!
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    von Plugin Contributors
    Aktiviere die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit zeitbasierten Einmalpasswörtern (OTP, Google Authenticator), Universal 2nd Factor (FIDO U2F, YubiKey), E-Mail und …
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    Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA
    von Robert Peake and Contributors
    Adds a Google No Captcha ReCaptcha checkbox to your Wordpress and Woocommerce login, forgot password, and user registration pages.
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    Theme My Login
    von Theme My Login
    The ultimate login branding solution! Theme My Login offers matchless customization of your WordPress user experience!
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    Custom Login Page Customizer by Colorlib
    von Colorlib
    Colorlib Login Customizer by Colorlib is a plugin that helps you personalize your login form directly from the Customizer.
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    WPS Limit Login
    von WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation
    WPS Limit login limit connection attempts by IP address
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    WP fail2ban - Advanced Security Plugin
    von Charles Lecklider
    WP fail2ban uses fail2ban to protect your WordPress site.
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    WP-Members Membership Plugin
    von Chad Butler
    The original membership plugin with content restriction, custom registration, and more.
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    Login Logo
    von Mark Jaquith
    Customize the logo on the WP login screen by simply dropping a file named login-logo.png into your WP content directory. CSS is automatic!
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    Remove Dashboard Access
    von TrustedLogin
    Disable Dashboard access for users of a specific role or capability. Disallowed users are redirected to a chosen URL. Get set up in seconds.
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    Custom Login Page Customizer - Login Designer
    von LoginDesigner
    Login Designer is the best way to style a custom login page for your WordPress login, register and forgot password forms, right from the live-action W …
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    One Time Login
    von Daniel Bachhuber
    Use WP-CLI to generate a one-time login URL for any user
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    Easy Hide Login
    von WebFactory Ltd
    Hide wp-login.php file, prevent attacks on login form, hide login & increase security. No files are changed.