
Apricotrocket CRM Plugin

Make your website interactive by adding an integrated CRM database, custom forms, email newsletters, marketing automation and drip marketing tool.
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December 19, 2016
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Apricotrocket CRM Plugin


  • Newest Features
  • Feature / Benefit List
  • Overview
    • CRM Database
    • Custom Forms
    • LogicGates
    • Event Triggers
    • Email Newsletters
    • Custom Data Fields
  • Pricing
    • Free up to 100
    • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
    • Upgrade Options
    • Email and SMS Text Limits
  • Support(#support)
    • Video Tutorials
    • Client Support Options

Newest Features for v1.0.3

  • Facebook App – easily place a Custom Form on a Facebook business page to collect data from Facebook visitors and fans.
  • SubUsers – Create an unlimited # of SubUsers on your account
  • SubUser Controls – Set Access Permissions for each SubUser
  • SubUser Tracking – Track changes made by SubUsers
  • SMS Text Messaging – Optional Service avaialable for nominal cost
  • SMS Text Messaging – Create Templates and Campaigns.
  • SMS Text Messaging – Track deliveries and receive inbound responses.
  • MMS Messaging – Optional Texting capability included but separate fees apply
  • Custom Database Fields – Group Checkbox function allows multiple selections
  • Custom Directory – Create unlimited # of directories and attach records from your database to a directory
  • Custom Directory – Select from multiple directory display templates for each directory
  • Click Triggers – use Click Triggers with Emails to create automated actions when an email link is clicked
  • Click Triggers – automated actions include: Send Email, Send Text, Start Email Campaign, Start Text Campaign, and others

Feature / Benefit List

  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee – if you ever decide to quit and want a refund we will refund your last 2 payments
  • Easy to Use – our system is designed for fast learning… it is simple and easy
  • Sophisticated – we do things that you would expect from only the most expensive systems
  • Affordable – the monthly cost is based on the size of your database
  • CRM Database – store your prospect and client information
  • Custom Forms – easily design forms for your website
  • Custom Form Layout – create vertical or horizontal forms
  • Custom Form Designs – change the look and colors easily and quickly
  • Custom Form Linking – create multiple forms and link them in sequence
  • Word Press Plugin – integrates with Word Press sites
  • Word Press Shortcodes – no need to learn programming skills
  • Cross Platform Capabie – works on any website CMS system
  • LogicGate Forms – allow you to ask questions and respond based on the answers provided
  • Event Triggers – tell the system to take specific actions when your visitors complete a Custom Form or answer a LogicGate question
  • Event Triggers – allow you to send Emails to your visitors or to you.
  • Event Triggers – allow you to send SMS Text Messages to your visitors or to you
  • Event Triggers – allow you to start an Email Campaign and send it to your visitors
  • Event Triggers – allow you to start an SMS Text Message Campaign and send it to your visitors
  • Event Triggers – allow you to change data in CRM Records… like move someone from a Warm Prospect to a Hot Prospect category
  • Store Attached Files – you can attach files to CRM Records to keep track of things
  • Comments – you can record notes on your conversations with people as comments in the associated CRM Record
  • Reminder Notices – you can schedule reminder notices and send them to yourself or to your Records or to both… remind people to do things like make payments or file documents
  • Email History – we keep a history of all emails you send through the system so you can always review what you have sent to your individual CRM Records
  • Email Statistics – we track sends, deliveries, not-delivered, opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, and spam reports
  • Email Resend – you can easily resend to your Bounced or Not-Delivered lists… single click of a button
  • Much more…


ApricotRocket is a combination of a CRM Database integrated with an Email Marketing and Text Marketing system and includes a Marketing Automation process management capability. Designed to work seamlessly with Word Press by using this plugin the ApricotRocket system can also be easily integrated with any other website content management system.

We believe that we compete very well with top shelf systems such as InfusionSoft, Salesforce, Marketo, Pardot, and HubSpot. We price our system competitively with tools like ConstantContact, Mail Chimp, and Aweber.

We believe that it should not be terribly expensive to have a full featured marketing automation system. In fact, we price our system at a level that we think makes ApricotRocket the best value in the market. We hope you agree.

CRM Database

A Customer Relationship Management database is the core of our system. We have designed the CRM Database to be incredibly intuitive and to have the most essential data fields automatically included. Included is a simple classification process that allows you to assign each record to one of 6 separate Classes, each of which can be customized with an unlimited number of class descriptions.

Three of these six standard Classes are what we call MOSS… multiple option single select. Three of the six standard Classes are what we call MOMS… multiple option multiple select.

Additionally, each CRM Database record can be classified according to a Sales Funnel Stage. The Stages in the Sales Funnel can be customized… as many or as few as you wish. Each record in your CRM Database can be assigned a Stage in the Sales Funnel. As various Events occur you can change the Stage either manually or automatically.

All information in the CRM Database can be downloaded at any time with a single click. Downloads are generated as .csv files that you can store wherever you wish. Your data is always yours and can be stored safely offsite anytime you wish.

Custom Forms

One of the best features is the ability to quickly create Custom Forms and easily place them on your website. If you have a Word Press website you can use the form shortcodes and simply copy and paste them to your Word Press website on any page, post, or sidebar text widget. If you wish you can use the HTML tag to insert Custom Forms on website pages other than Word Press websites.

Custom Forms can be created with any combination of CRM Data Fields inserted into the Custom Form. This allows you to capture exactly the information you need from your customers and prospects. You can fully customize the forms and change the background colors, form border colors, text fonts, buton colors, and many aspects of the look and feel of your Custom Form.

You can create either Vertical or Horizontal forms. If you create a Horizontal form you can decide if there is one, two, or three columns and you can place specific Data Fields in each row and column to control placement. Then, again, you can place the form on your website exactly where you want it by just copying and pasting either a shortcode or an HTML code.

You do not need to know any HTML to create Custom Forms.


LogicGates are one of the features of ApricotRocket which make the system so powerful. LogicGates allow you to create a form where you ask questions. Each potential answer to the question you ask can be set up to send your visitor to a different next step. For example… if someone says that they are a Tall Man you can send them to the page where you offer clothes for Tall Men. If they are a Petite Woman you can send them to a pager where you offer clothes for Petite Women.

LogicGates are extremely simple to set up and, just like Custom Forms, you can easily control all aspects of how the form looks. Also like Custom Forms, you do not need to have any special HTML or programming skills to create LogicGates or to put them on your website.

Event Triggers

Event Triggers can be connected to either Custom Forms or to LogicGates. Event Triggers allow you to respond to your customer or prospect other than simply sending them to another page or form. Event Triggers allow you to take specific actions such as: * Send an Email to the Customer * Send an Email to yourself * Send a Text Message to the Customer * Send a Text Message to yourself * Start an Email Marketing Campaign to the Customer * Start a Text Messaging Campaig to the Customer * Send a Voice Mail Message to the Customer * Change data in the CRM Record for the Customer * All of the above in any combination

Event Triggers are also very simple to set up. You do not need any programming skills or experience to create and use Event Triggers.

Email Newsletters

ApricotRocket creates beautiful emails and delivers them with great efficiency.

ApricotRocket offers a very intuitive and powerful Email Newsletter creation and management system. Lots of Templates are provided to select from and it is easy to take a Template and customize it with your own images and text and links. Once you have created your newsletters you can connect them into a sequence of Email Campaigns. Email Newsletters and Email Campaigns can be sent to groups of people in your CRM Database or they can be automatically sent using Event Triggers based on the actions your visitors take when they fill out Custom Forms or LogicGates.

Every message sent is tracked through our system and we show whether or not it was delivered, opened, clicked, bounced, unsubscribed, or reported as spam. Our system automatically flags messages that are unsubscribed or reported as spam and you do not have to worry about removing them. We automatically take care of this for you. Our statistics programming is very intuitive and comprehensive.

When someone clicks on a link in an Email you know who and if you want to we can send you an email or a text message when this happens. Also, when they click on a link you can use the Email Click Trigger system just like the Event Trigger to do the same things that Event Triggers can do.

Custom Data Fields

No CRM Database comes out of the box with all of the data fields that every business needs. Each business is unique and while we have a lot of standard data fields we also make it very easy and intuitive for you to create new data fields and add them to your CRM Database. Create as many new data fields as you need for your business.

After you create new data fields you can select them when you create a new Custom Form. This makes it very easy for you to create truly Custom Forms designed specifically for your business. When someone fills out a Custom Form the information you collect goes directly into your database. Seamlessly integrated and without any hassle. This is the easiest way to manage your data that there is anywhere.

Once you have added new data fields they show up automatically in the Search process. This means that you can immediately start searching your CRM Database for exactly the customers that you need to find.


We are proud of our pricing system.

Free up to 100

We offer everything (except SMS Text Messaging) free to anyone using ApricotRocket for FREE… up to a database of 100 records. The reason that we cannot include SMS Text Messaging is that we incur a delivery charge for each message and therefore we cannot include SMS Text Messaging on the FREE accounts.

All of the other features are available for free… just like for any of our Upgraded clients.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

We also offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. This means that when you decide to Upgrade to one of our Paid Subscription Levels you have the confidence of knowing that if you ever decide to quit you can request the last 2 monthly fees as a refund if you wish.

We trust that our clients will love our system and we place our trust in our software. If it is not something that you feel was worth your investment we do not want to take your money. Simple. No questions asked… just fill out a form on our system requesting a refund and we will cancel your account and refund your last 2 payments.

Upgrade Options

We offer a variety of Upgrade Options. When you reach a limit you can simply to the next level and pay the fee. If your database reaches a limit you will be unable to add new records either by uploading records or by people filling out a form on your website. We send you notifications when this is the case so that you can upgrade and avoid loosing out on growing your database.

Email and SMS Text Limits

We do offer a limit on the # of emails you can send and the # of sms text messages that you can send each month. The reason is that we incur costs for the delivery of these messages and we have to make sure that we are covering our costs. We are sure that you understand.


We have built our system to be incredibly intuitive. In fact, we think that it may be the most intuitive Marketing Automation tool on the market today.

Video Tutorials

If you are using the Free service we provide you with a growing library of video tutorials that we have created to try and cover every aspect of the system that we think you may need some help with.

Client Support Options

If you are a Paying Client we are delighted to answer your questions by either email or phone. Phone support is limited to the hours of 8-5pm Central Time. Email support is available 24 – 7 and we typically respond within a few minutes to a few hours.

Our Phone Support # is 214-772-6854.

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