
Admin Menu Editor

Ermöglicht dir das Bearbeiten des WordPress-Administratormenüs. Du kannst Menüs neu anordnen, ausblenden oder umbenennen, individuelle Menüs hinzufügen und mehr.
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July 2, 2024
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Admin Menu Editor

Admin Menu Editor lets you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change permissions, and more.


  • Ändere Menüpunkte, URLs, Icons, CSS-Klassen usw.
  • Sortiere Menüpunkte per Drag-and-Drop.
  • Change menu permissions by setting the required capability or role.
  • Beweg einen Menüpunkt in ein anderes Untermenü.
  • Erstelle individuelle Menüpunkte, die auf jeden Bereich des Dashboards oder zu externen URLs verlinken.
  • Verstecke/Zeige jedes Menü oder jeden Menüpunkt. Ein versteckter Menüpunkt ist für alle unsichtbar, inklusive Administratoren.
  • Create login redirects and logout redirects.

The Pro version lets you set per-role menu permissions, hide a menu from everyone except a specific user, export your admin menu, drag items between menu levels, make menus open in a new window and more. Try online demo.


The plugin provides a few utility shortcodes. These are mainly intended to help with creating login/logout redirects, but you can also use them in posts and pages.

  • [ame-wp-admin] – URL of the WordPress dashboard (with a trailing slash).
  • [ame-home-url] – Site URL. Usually, this is the same as the URL in the „Site Address“ field in Settings -> General.
  • [ame-user-info field="..."] – Information about the logged-in user. Parameters:
    • field – The part of user profile to display. Supported fields include: ID, user_login, display_name, locale, user_nicename, user_url, and so on.
    • placeholder – Optional. Text that will be shown if the visitor is not logged in.
    • encoding – Optional. How to encode or escape the output. This is useful if you want to use the shortcode in your own HTML or JS code. Supported values: auto (default), html, attr, js, none.


  • Wenn du einen der Standard-Menüpunkte löschst, erscheint er nach dem nächsten Speichern wieder. Wenn du ihn permanent loswerden willst, dann versteck ihn oder ändere seine Zugriffsberechtigungen.
  • In the free version, it’s not possible to give a role access to a menu item that it couldn’t see before. You can only restrict menu access further.
  • In case of emergency, you can reset the menu configuration back to the default by going to (replace with your site URL). You must be logged in as an Administrator to do this.
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