Enhanced WordPressing With the Updated Jetpack Mobile App

The Jetpack app’s latest update offers an enhanced mobile experience for all your WordPress.com needs.

The Jetpack app is getting better and better every single day. We’re excited to share a few updates we’ve made across the mobile experience to make your WordPress.com content creation and management more efficient and enjoyable.

Look for these updates when your app updates to version 23.7.

Posts and Pages improvements

Redesigned posts and pages screen

Screenshot of new "Posts" screen on iOS and Android Jetpack apps.

The Posts and Pages screen has a fresh new look. Notably, the “default” and “compact” display options have been consolidated, making the user interface more streamlined. This means that you now have a more intuitive way to navigate your content and find what you need.

New context menu

Screenshot of new context menu on Jetpack mobile app, for both iOS and Android.

Navigating to  “Stats,” “Comments,” and “Settings” has been moved to the context menu for a cleaner and more organized look. This enhancement simplifies the user interface, making it easier to access and manage your content.

New swipe actions on iOS

Screenshot of new swipe actions on Jetpack mobile app — iOS only.

With the introduction of swipe actions, you can now swipe left to view a post or page, and swipe right to share or delete it. This intuitive feature adds a layer of convenience to your workflow, allowing you to perform actions with a simple gesture.

Improved search and filtering on iOS

Screenshot of improved search function on Jetpack mobile app — iOS only.

This Jetpack app update also includes various search and filtering improvements on iOS. You can now perform full-text searches and filter content by “author” or “tag.” This makes it easier to locate specific content within your collection.

Streamlined dashboard and personalizations

Screenshot of new personalization options on Jetpack mobile app, for both iOS and Android.

We’ve refined the dashboard interface, offering a more personalized experience. You can now customize shortcuts and cards on your dashboard, tailoring it to your specific needs and preferences, so you can easily access the features that matter most to you. 

Updated “Me” tab

Screenshot of new "Me" tab placement in the Jetpack mobile app, for both iOS and Android.

By moving the “Me” section to the bottom tab, we’ve simplified the app’s navigation. This means you can now access your profile, account settings, and app settings from anywhere within the app, without interrupting your workflow. 

Optimized site media on iOS

Screen shot of new media optimizations for iOS in the Jetpack mobile app.

We’ve re-engineered the screen for managing and selecting your site’s media on iOS, focusing on performance optimizations. The previews load significantly faster and use less memory, ensuring a smooth scrolling experience.

We’ve also added three new gestures to help you manage your media on the fly:

  • Long press on an image to quickly preview a photo and access some of the common actions
  • Quickly select multiple items by dragging your finger over the images
  • When checking the media details, swipe from left to right to switch between items

There are many other minor improvements and fixes that add up to a significantly better overall experience of working with your media, and we’ll continue to build on this new foundation in the upcoming releases to deliver the best experience possible.

Download the latest update

Experience the new and improved Jetpack mobile app by downloading the latest update

Thank you for being part of the WordPress.com community! We’re thrilled to continue this journey of improvement with you.

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  1. JanBeek

    Thank you for this overwhelming list of “improvements.” I hope I can learn to use these new features effectively.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. L.K. Latham

    Excellent news! Can’t wait to give the update a try.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Ravi Teja Bollavaram

    Awesome. I am kinda new to WordPress. Any one has anything to say ?!

    Liked by 4 people

  4. StephenB

    It appears that this update applies to iOS only. When will the Android version be available?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Momo Ozawa

      For now, the swipe actions / improved search on Posts and Pages and improvements to site media are iOS only. We’re aiming to make the same improvements on Android soon – stay tuned!

      The other updates, such as redesigned Posts and Pages, dashboard personalization, and updated Me tab are available on Android as well.

      Liked by 7 people

      • StephenB

        Thanks, Momo! Just so you know, after this most recent update to the Android app, there are some WP blogs where I can no longer comment using the app. I have to go to the actual Website using a browser in order to comment.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Momo

          At present, the Jetpack app only supports commenting on sites that have Jetpack Comments enabled. This is likely the reason why you can comment on some sites but not others.

          We’re currently investigating if we can enable commenting via the Jetpack app even if the site hasn’t activated Jetpack Comments.

          Thanks for your feedback and being part of the WordPress.com community – we’re always looking for ways to improve the Jetpack app!

          Liked by 3 people

  5. Naomi Towgood

    Love it

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Hathangmmo



  7. Rev. Esther R. "Essie" Scott

    Is having it required?

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Tumininu Victoria



  9. zemtvO

    Awesome 👍 back on my site


  10. Ibtissam Bouharrou

    Thanks for the info I’m so excited to try them all, but first of all I have to learn how I could use WordPress for my goals I’m a beginner I would love to hear any advices please 🙏


  11. Anthony McKenna

    State of the world Yes the world is in a MESS! Who is responcible for this?


  12. Juhaima A.

    Awesome! I’m new to wordpress and currently exploring its tools…hope this improvement will be useful to me.


  13. tukuspin



  14. Peter Jumba.

    Nice new, let me go into action now.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Jacob Maposa

    lovely indeed

    Liked by 3 people

  16. MD Ekram



  17. The Rabbi

    I used to copy the link on all of my post and share it with others .. but it no longer gives me an option to copy my post link .. I cannot share multiple sites with a single link .. I now have to use the share button that only allows one at a time per person or site . It has literally put a halt on my blog sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • supernovia

      Hey there, can you reach out to support with more details? Here’s how.


      • The Rabbi

        Well it’s not that complicated.. I used be able to copy the link of every post I submitted and shared it with all of my friends.. it no longer gives me a link to copy .. I don’t use the share button because I would have to send my post one at a time. That takes forever.
        I will try to reach support .. there are so many options to sort through once I am on the the support page . I guess I just have to look over it .. and see if I can leave a comment.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Momo

      Hi there! You can copy the link to your blog post by tapping “Share” > “Copy”. Hope this helps.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Adam Rodriguez

    Wow! Cool

    Liked by 1 person

  19. admin.getapkin

    That’s nice. Will web stats will be available?


  20. malsman001

    I have so much to learn!


  21. Diksha Singh

    Amazing Update!!

    Liked by 3 people

  22. Brain Young

    online on the Go… you need this!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. BytheBlancos

    This really helps for when you’re on the go, or don’t have space/time to take out your laptop/tablet

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Yhaa Blaq

    I just created an account on WordPress.com. Can I get any help to make my account active?

    Liked by 5 people

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