New on WordPress for Android: Notifications

Version 2.4 of WordPress for Android: Notifications panel on a Samsung Galaxy S3Need to get your Notifications on the go? With version 2.4 of WordPress for Android you’ll see all your Notifications right on your Android device.

Step away yet stay connected

With the new streamlined Notifications view, you can step away from your computer but still stay connected to your readers. With just a few taps you can:

  • Read comment threads and reply.
  • Moderate new pending comments.
  • Get stats highlights.
  • See your new followers and follow them back.
  • See who liked your posts.

Don’t need so many notifications? You can turn off specific notification types (for example “Likes”) in the Settings panel. You can also mute entire blogs if it gets too noisy.

Pending notifications in the notification center

See what’s going on with your blog quickly.

Replying to comments from the notification center

Reply to comments with ease.

Additional improvements and bug fixes

We also added a few more nifty features in this release:

  • A new menu icon has been added that matches up with the latest ‘Holo’ design guidelines.
  • Settings and Sign out options have been added to the overflow menu for easier access.
  • New fonts added for easier readability.
  • … and many more small bug fixes and reliability improvements.

What’s next?

We’ve got some great new features in the works including improvements to Media, Account Setup, and the Reader.

How do you like the new Notifications? Drop a comment here to let us know!

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  1. roseglace

    just a comment — the only real issue i have with the ‘old’ client is that it’s slow. adding features (IMHO) should come second — a distant second — to speed.


    • Dan

      We’ve got some good stuff in the works to speed up features of the app, especially the Reader and Stats.


  2. ana74x

    All I can say is ABOUT TIME.


  3. japalian



  4. deaduramilade

    I have issues with uploading media on the mobile app. whenever I want to insert an image into my post, I have to first save the post as draft and let it upload then I go on my laptop to insert the picture before I post it


  5. Irfan Hussain

    Oh goody!!. But I’ll second what rose glace said. Speed is definitely and issue and should be given first priority.


  6. Salman

    I would second Irfan and Roseglace. Speed is a priority. I remember installed WordPress app on my phone, and thought of starting a photoblog, but couldn’t since it took way too much time to upload a photo to my blog. We need Speed, and Automated uploads. Say, if we could designate any given folder on phone. WordPress app would check, and if a new photo is found, it could upload it whenever, a WIFI zone is detected. Sorry for a long post.

    Where can i post the wish list for Word press ?


  7. suaaddartistry

    I’ve only been an Android user for a few months but you guys seem to be on the ball with updates and bug fixes 🙂 Thanks


  8. Stephen A. Watkins

    I liked the new notifications fine enough… but I wonder, will see a feature where on the posts page we can filter the posts for drafts and whatnot? If I’ve got multiple drafts I work on periodically, it’s hard to find them buried among all the published posts.


  9. jeddacp

    i was confused as to why there was no notifications at first… coming from iOS and switching to android. I’m so glad you finally implemented the notifications option for android!

    i third/fourth/fifth… that i’m all about speed as well.



    Wow…this looks great!

    Now all I need is a smart phone with a service plan!

    Can’t wait to try it out.


  11. Allvoxman

    I get “Sorry, notifications could not be refreshed at this time. Please try again later” all the time.


  12. Ms. Vee

    I am thrilled with the notifications. It works quickly, and it’s user friendly. I used it today. I was unable to stay connected to the server, due to inclement weather. Thank you! The timing was perfect.


  13. mobibrad

    Love it. It even notifies if my comment elsewhere has been responded by the owner 🙂


  14. joaynn510

    I absolutely love the new notification feature! A few days after it rolled out, I received 4 notifications: a new comment, a new follower, a new like, and a new reblog all at the same time. I am thrilled with the update. I love getting emails notifying me of new activity but this new feature saves so much time not having to look at emails or go to my blog to see new comments, etc. And it updates immediately after viewing. What would be even more exciting is if my Kindle would support it like it does for my Twitter and Facebook. Thanks for the new feature!! Much appreciated.


  15. mariekevanmil

    Much better!!!!


  16. libertydee

    I Love the App for Android. I even blogged about it 🙂


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