The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift

Version 2.3 of WordPress for Android: big UI update for the best Android blogging app

We’re constantly working on updates to our mobile apps to make your experience on the go the best it can be. Today, we’ve jubilantly released version 2.3 of WordPress for Android to Google Play. After updating, you’ll see right away that this release includes very exciting updates to the user interface. Let’s dive in to what’s new!

Version 2.3 of WordPress for Android: the new, blue action barAction Bar

You’ll notice a fresh, new look. We’ve taken into account Android’s “Holo” style guidelines and implemented the Action Bar interface throughout the app. If you’ve used any other apps designed for Android 4.0 or higher, you’ll feel right at home with the new design. Your Action Bar provides easy access to common actions such as creating a new post, refreshing, and sharing to other apps.

We also couldn’t resist making the Action Bar in WordPress blue. 😉

Menu Drawer

Version 2.3 of WordPress for Android: menu drawer on Google Nexus 10 and Samsung Galaxy S3

The older-style dashboard interface has been replaced with a Menu Drawer for quick and easy navigation to other areas of the app from wherever you are. You’ll find all of the same actions the dashboard had, but with the addition of some nifty new ones.

To access the menu, simply tap the arrow next to the WordPress logo — in the top-left corner of the app — or swipe from the left side of the screen. If you’re on a large tablet device, the menu will always be visible, which takes advantage of the extra screen space. If you have multiple blogs in the app, you’ll see a drop-down list at the top of your Menu Drawer that you can access to quickly switch to another blog to work with, right in the app.

When you leave the app, it will remember the last selection you made in the Menu Drawer so when you return, you can pick up where you left off.

Other new features

In addition to the revamped app interface, you’ll find these new features as well:

  • View Site option. A View Site option has been added to the Menu Drawer so you can view your blogs from within the app.
  • Admin area access. You can access the wp-admin areas of your blogs by loading the Dashboard option in the Menu Drawer.
  • Faster loading. The Reader now takes advantage of caching for faster loading.
  • Updated look and feel. Settings have been converted to use the Android standard for preferences, giving them the Holo look and feel on supported devices. Many views have been updated to the Holo look and feel as well, including the post editor and all list views.
  • Improved post editor experience. The post editor now has an expandable content area, which makes it much easier to navigate around the post content when you’re editing.
  • Improved image uploading. If a post has an image but fails to upload the image, the post will be saved as a draft first — instead of published — so the image upload can be corrected.

Download App

On a device? Tap here to download WordPress for Android directly. If you’re not on Android you’ll instead get redirected to the app for your device.

What’s Next & Calling Contributors

Android robot with WordPress logoThis update was a big one and we want to make sure to keep the momentum going. We’re currently looking at adding notifications to the app so you can keep up with what’s happening on your WordPress sites while mobile and on the go. What would you like to see added to the app?

Don’t forget that WordPress for Android is an open source project. Want to get involved? Check out to get started.

Follow @WPAndroid on Twitter and the WordPress for Android blog for the latest updates on WordPress for Android.

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  1. Picture-Bandit

    And indeed it looks good. Loads quickly and reacts well… good to know maybe my holidays will not be entirely postless.


  2. Comerfuera

    It looks good! Thanks for this update!


  3. Zen A.

    Just downloaded the update, and it definitely looks better than before! Less “clunky” and somehow more fluid. Thanks. =D


  4. lifewithpinkprincesses

    What about the iPhone app? My app has stopped allowing me to post photos!! It was temperamental before but now I’m self hosted it doesn’t allow ANY!


  5. Steven Rosenberg

    Can’t wait to try this!


  6. rabbiadar

    Wow! Can’t wait to play with it.


  7. Miss Chris Creations

    Looks great! When will the new iPhone app come out?


  8. followthehumming

    Works great on my Nexus 7 – lovely job.


  9. Jared Ribic

    YEAH!! Thank you!


  10. FaSmart

    The screen under the top bar when you scrolling up or down is blinking is that normal??? The rest is awesome! Excellent job… bravo!


  11. enerspec10

    Well mine doesnt look like that yet. Hmmmm…


  12. claudiabarlow

    Does the Android have to be a phone? Mine is not.


  13. littlemisswordy

    Love it! One feature I wish WordPress had in general including on mobile app is a search option for Blogs I Follow, where I would be able to search by blog name rather than scrolling through list.


  14. laurie27wsmith

    Just downloaded it and what an improvement, thanks.


  15. theamberlight

    Dowloaded and LIKE! Looks great…after a few taps of getting used to the new love love!!! Thank you for giving us a wonderful platform to write, create and contact!


  16. LadyElle

    Yay! Love it~


  17. Diana

    Now, if you could make it stop heating up my phone…. seriously.

    (And I am holding a brand-new phone with a brand new battery in it, so it’s not that.)


  18. Carrie

    I like the new setup. Thanks.


  19. mtthwpytnsmth

    I just downloaded the update. Can’t wait to use it. Looks awesome.


  20. Jared Ribic

    I was going to leave a reply on the WordPress page on Google+ but it doesn’t seem to be very active (even with 21,899 people following).


  21. mhuxley

    What about windows phone 7/8?


  22. Paso971

    As the blackberry 10 app is an android port, are you planning on updating it too? Or maybe you are working on a native app?


  23. Charlie Copley

    I hate using an internal browser, and would rather that the apps just open the browser I set as my default browser on my Android device.


  24. onthickice

    It would behoove you to make a mobile-friendly “dashboard”… I do everything from my phone and that page is impossible to use. 2 days ago what was left of the last version ate all extra spaces and “returns”, making a visual word puzzle into one long sentence. I redid all the formatting, and still all the extra spaces were reduced to one in each gap. Never had that issue before, had to trash the whole thing, hope that doesn’t happen again. I enjoy using WordPress, but since everything I write is made up on the spot and never reviewed or edited (I don’t even read them when I’m done) so malfunctioning interfaces destroy ideas. Everything else is awesome though, I love how easy it is to cough up a post on demand without any prep.


  25. Martin House

    Reblogged this on Martin House Consulting and commented:
    Great improvement in this version. Well worth trying this version out.


  26. suaaddartistry

    I’m SO glad to see this! I wasn’t feeling the previous version too much as it was a bit of a pain to post from but now, yay! Thank you so much guys 🙂


  27. pokahdotcircus

    Would love it if the notifications were sorted out – e.g when we get a new follower or like on our blog. But I love it 🙂 Keep the good work up 🙂


  28. wizelda

    Like the menu on the side, but, as a non-English speaking person, I have to point out: the translations of the menu options are terrible.
    I have always had a problem when I’m posting something with a photo. I have to post it and re-post it several times before it makes it to my blog (but maybe that is my broadband operator’s fault..)
    Thanks for the update anyway, I love WordPress 😀


  29. Ray Brown

    I must be missing something! I wanted to do a quick edit to a post which I noticed from a browser view needed correcting, when I launch the WordPress Android App I cant seem to locate any ‘search’ option! Surely im not expected to scroll through my 350 posts to try and locate it!


  30. SimpLeigh Organized

    Love it! Thanks!


  31. Deena Siddle

    I hate the update it is just like the app for iphone if I wanted to use an iphone I would. Change is not always better.


  32. Chas Rad

    It’s all right but can you fix it so it scrolls automatically when I’m typing my post?


  33. basijas2013

    Ever since the updated it won’t let me log on, so I now have to go online instead! Ho hum!


  34. fishnsotong

    That’s wonderful. I hope the iOS app will be bluer soon. Love the blue in the action bar.


  35. cuttheplastic

    I love the upgrade! It makes reading on the go so much more fun and accessable!


  36. Freddy GdiP

    Something nice about the Android app is that the images I post to top my text posts don´t have that black line around them. I wish the regular “computer” version of WordPress had that same feature.


  37. linguanhamburg

    Talking about photos again… when I upload a pic on android, it never makes it as a big format, only 500×375 pixels. I can’t find any settings to upload the image in a bigger format anywhere. What can I do?


    • Dan

      You can either tap on the image in the post editor to change the size or go to the blog settings in the app and set a reize setting there that will always be applied.


  38. glorysurgery

    I love the new look, but I still find it more easy to use my computer to do most posts compared to my smartphone. However, I am lovin the new look on tablet!

    Liked by 1 person

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