Go Ahead—Add a Splash of Color

Adding Custom Colors to your blog just got simpler than ever! Now you can change your entire color scheme with the single click of a button. Color has impact: it sets context and should complement your message.

You’ll find the most popular palettes and patterns from COLOURlovers are sure to delight whether you want to paint the town red or always bet on black.

Adjust your color palette by using drag-and-drop to swap colors, view suggestions and variations, or pick colors manually.

To appeal to your inner fashionista, dress up your blog in a gorgeous background pattern—they’re preloaded based on your chosen color palette.

Themes that have Custom Colors support have been set up so each color value can easily find its place. Not only that, color contrast is carefully calculated to make applying colors as easy as pie.

To get started, go to Appearance → Themes, click the Live Preview links or the Customize button for your current theme, and select the Colors & Backgrounds panel. Custom Colors is part of the Custom Design upgrade. When you save changes, your colors will be stored and then you can apply them live on your blog once you have purchased the upgrade. See the Custom Colors help page for more details.

Whether you want something bold, understated, or with just enough oomph, you can make your message stand out from the crowd by selecting colors that fit your style.

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Choose your colors with purpose. Worlds of difference await!

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  1. drhiphop

    Thanks! I’ve been trying out new color schemes with my latest theme change and appreciate so many options!


  2. New Heights Dance Ministry

    I agree with this totally. The color scheme is one of the most important parts of the website. As you can see, my website logo is bright with shades of purple and red. It catches people’s eyes when you have BRIGHT, VIVID COLORS. << Just like the words I just typed in ALL-CAPS<< 🙂


  3. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Wow! Splendiferous!


  4. jodygoodman

    Unfortunately I can’t use this option yet… “Your current theme does not support Custom Colors yet. We are working to add support to most of our themes, including this one.” Hope that this is updated soon…I want to play! 😀


    • Sheri

      More color support is on the way! In the mean time, try sorting Appearance → Themes page by Popular and clicking on some of the Live Preview links if you want to play around with Custom Colors early.


  5. David Bennett

    Great, but a bit disingenuous. it wasn’t until I got to paragraph 6 that I read that it is part of the paid upgrade….


    • Sheri

      I didn’t mean for it to sound disingenuous at all. The post started with what Custom Colors is then explained how to get it. I also appreciate your feedback, and I will try to make upgrade info more clear in posts I write in the future.


  6. lbiasi

    Reblogged this on Lydia's Life and commented:
    This is kinda cool!


  7. Deidhre at Artist Practice

    Reblogged this on An artist's practice and commented:
    I love that WordPress has added this option! I’m a big fan of COLOURlovers, and this is so simple to use. Demands a daily refresh of colour!


  8. Mikalee Byerman

    Thank you for this! Color sends such a strong message, but that message can change over time. For example, when I started blogging I was in what I called my “blood and death” stage (just post-divorce); thus, I chose red and black. But now that I’m far healthier (and a tad more optimistic!), I’d love to try out other colors to better reflect my writing voice. This will make that easy — and for that, I’m grateful! 🙂


  9. Li Li

    No custom colors on my theme (yet) but I still LOVE this!


  10. Ebrael Shaddai

    Well, I always prefered WP, but the Blogger ever offer this feature long ago, and for free…when will we have it, and else others (such as Custom Fonts, also free in Blogger), for free here??


    • Sheri

      Blogger is a different business model. If you prefer WordPress.com and love the customization features, consider buying the upgrade!


  11. maahnaaz

    Reblogged this on mahnaz.


  12. Eric

    A little colour makes a huge difference. Thanks for this update!


  13. sabahsongs

    That is fantastic! I cannot wait to try it all out! Thank you WordPress!


  14. susielindau

    I LOVE this! I am a color girl and will definitely check out the new feature. Thank you WordPress!


  15. Margie

    I’m glad I have the custom upgrade, and I’m glad my theme supports custom colors. This will be a lot of fun.


  16. Wendell A. Brown AKA The Brown One Poet

    I am surely a lover of pastels, thanks for the gift for us!


  17. John Hayden

    A great day for people like me who are color impaired.


  18. Catshade

    Soo…which theme exactly support this feature? One of my blogs uses “Ari” theme, which has “Custom Colors” tag in the theme showcase. But the option to play around with this feature is ‘unsupported’ in my dashboard’s Custom Design tab.


  19. J. mashedpotatoesblog.wordpress.com

    This is a little misleading; you have to purchase your blog site in order access the color schemes, at least you do on my design template. 😦


    • Sheri

      Not all themes have been converted yet, but we’re working on it so they should be soon! For now, you do need to have the Custom Design upgrade to use Custom colors, but we are also planning to add it for everyone in Live Previews in the future.


  20. harmonyofaby

    Reblogged this on harmonyofaby and commented:
    perfect! thankxx


  21. The Current Events 2012

    Reblogged this on The Current Events 2012 and commented:
    i like


  22. trixievardon

    I’ll be happier once I can upload photos from my only online tool, my iPad!


  23. Anurag

    Looking forward to use it someday.


  24. lorddavidprosser

    Brilliant application.


  25. imagekarthik

    Wowww what aaaaaaa color!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


  26. itsmejulax

    Reblogged this on itsmejulax.


  27. tetetuwet

    I Like This


  28. Nish

    This feature sounds interesting but I don’t think it’s ready for the Origins theme yet, is that correct? I don’t see any option to play around with this feature.


    • Sheri

      Right now, you do need to have the Custom Design upgrade to see the new colors feature, but we are also planning to add it for all Live Previews in the future.


  29. Jennifer

    Reblogged this on The WYSIWYG* Blog and commented:
    Just so excited to see Colourlovers integrated into a Custom Design upgrade here on WordPress.com after reading on techcrunch about Audrey Capital/Matt Mullenweg’s investment in the app last year. A fantastic boon for those who love color but don’t know Dusty Rose from Petal Pink. 🙂


  30. Branden H.

    Ah, this is good!


  31. incostress

    Reblogged this on Advice for businesses and commented:
    Great idea.


  32. Paul

    Great idea! Unfortunately the three premium themes I use on three separate blogs can’t use this yet. Wouldn’t it have made sense to wait until all your themes could use this before announcing it? I’ve bought the Custom Design feature for all my blogs but feel a little bit cheated that I can’t use the custom colours.


    • Sheri

      We often announce early and continue developing and improving. All of the themes will be reviewed soon, so you shouldn’t have too long to wait.


  33. leficha25

    Reblogged this on la7vision.


  34. unibks

    It sounds terrific! I will use it some day.


  35. that girl again

    It’s great that you’re continuing to add value to the custom design upgrade. I was wondering, though, since palettes and patterns on Colourlovers use a Creative Commons licence by default, what filters do you have in place to ensure that wordpress.com users only have access to the GPL-compatible ones?


    • Matt

      All of that is handled on the COLOURlovers side as part of the partnership, we just get a feed from them.


  36. House of KiKies

    Reblogged this on House of KiKies and commented:
    Great addition.. too bad it isnt free.. 😀


  37. karina890

    Let me say it: very WOW! ❤


  38. selinaschreurs

    Reblogged this on selinaschreurs.


  39. yousef59

    Good idea!


  40. Moco Scribe

    This is a great addition, especially as I have the custom upgrade. I will probably change the colours every month! I now nearly have everything I need for the perfect blog…..when are we going to get payment solutions such as Google Checkout of Paypal, I can’t wait for those is anything in the pipeline?


    • Sheri

      I don’t have an exact date they may become available, but we would like to offer alternate payment options like Google Checkout in the future.


  41. caroljolie

    Reblogged this on Maisha through My Eyes and commented:
    I think this will be very helpful to anyone who is struggling to design their blog like i am. 🙂 lets all give it a try.


  42. healthylady51

    This is great, I am learning how to navigate my blog. Thanks for all the extra help.


  43. victorworang

    Wow, it’s a great feature.. to change background pattern as well? Such a colourful life!


  44. leamikhaela

    Reblogged this on leamikhaela and commented:
    I’d love the thoughts implemented on the color scheme. 🙂


  45. nipnoos

    This looks very good but It would be nice if there would be a free trial. Not sure if it’s worth buying yet. My blog is very young and I am still trying to find a theme that does everything I want it to do.


    • Sheri

      Great suggestion! We would like to add Custom Colors to the Live Previews so any WordPress.com user can experiment with colors any time.


  46. 40again

    This is a brilliant option; colour adds so much to everything. 🙂


  47. raisauy

    Reblogged this on Raisa Uy.


  48. deniseraye

    Thanks bunches!!!


  49. deniseraye

    Reblogged this on deniseraye and commented:
    If you love color then this is for you!!!


  50. Matt Wiebe

    Reblogged this on WiebePress and commented:
    Proud that my first project for WordPress.com is now alive!


  51. ratchet7764

    This is great! I’ll definitely look into using this. The Spectrum theme is already quite colorful as it is, though.


  52. rebazart

    Reblogged this on rebazart and commented:


  53. mariadonnelly

    I am a new blogger, and I love it!! Thanks for all the ideas and support. Love the custom colors.


  54. meagenda

    Nice for those with templates that support this but I would rather have free ability to change the font size used in posts and a small selection of font faces available in the RT editor.


    • Matt

      It’s better from a design view for the fonts to be changed for the whole blog at once, not just on some text in the rich text editor, which would create an inconsistent experience from post to post.


  55. Dave

    Great step forward for wordpress bloggers, love it!


  56. David Bennett

    Thank you, Sheri. I appreciate your reply. And I surely do appreciate wp.com


  57. queentracey1

    Reblogged this on Tracey in Maine.


  58. thebookpod

    Can not wait for it to be offered on my theme! We had a new logo designed and the standard color is just not cutting it! Hope its across the board on all themes soon!


  59. kotha12

    The idea is brilliant but sadly I cannot use it 😥


  60. Yella Ojrak

    OMG, I love COLOURlovers palettes.


  61. coachdaddyblogger

    Love this idea – but as it turns out, the default colors on the template I picked happen to be absolutely perfect. Unless, you could offer a suggestion? I’m always open!


    • Sheri

      Already perfect colors sound pretty good to me! Custom Colors is for those who want to differentiate their site beyond the default theme choices.


  62. disclamaboy

    It is unfortunate if it were priced $ 30 per year 😦


    • Sheri

      That price is for the Custom Design upgrade which includes features like licensed fonts, the new Custom Colors including palettes and patterns, a CSS Editor for making advanced updates, and we’re working to add more to it.


  63. madisunanne

    I’ve used COLOURlovers on Twitter & loved the ease of color choice w/the palette options.
    Now, it’s here on WordPress which makes it that much more amazing…
    Thank YOU!


  64. thedarkestskin

    Good and beautiful. Love that!!


  65. palabrah

    Thank you for this post, I’ve been trying to figure out good pallettes to use when in finally create my own skin. Much inspiration, indeed!


  66. Kale

    Now, if only that comes for free…


  67. chalkidikitours

    I LOVE this -> Thank you WordPress!


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