Celebrating 1 Million mobile users: WordPress for Nokia!

It’s been a crazy few years for WordPress’s mobile projects. In 2008 we launched the first version of the WordPress app so you could blog on the go with your shiny first-generation iPhone. Since then, we’ve added other platforms as well, including BlackBerry and Android. Today we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve expanded our mobile services to Nokia smart phones, too!

WordPress now has 1 Million mobile users - Thank you for all your support so far!And this news couldn’t come at a more exciting time for us: We just passed 1 million mobile users across all platforms, which is not only a huge landmark for us, but for mobile blogging altogether. Cell phones are becoming our new personal computers, always with us and always ready when something needs blogging about. Each day thousands of posts are written and posted using nothing but a wee phone keyboard and a built-in camera. It’s truly about capturing the moment, and as smart phones are becoming more popular we’re trying to stay with you with your platform of choice. As of right now we have two exciting platforms in our scope, and today we’re launching the first one. I give you WordPress for Nokia:

WordPress for Nokia Logo

We’ve made sure the Nokia app has everything you love about WordPress on any other mobile device – and you will find a lot of old and beloved friends among the features: You can, of course, write and edit posts and pages, manage your comments queue and keep an eye on your blog’s statistics while on the move. If a seagull just snatched your hot dog and is making a run for it, you can snap a picture of the commotion or even record a video describing how it felt and how much you’re suing for. All from within the app.

You can download the app directly from the Nokia Ovi Store…

…or go to the WordPress for Nokia site where you’ll find all the details on the new app.

If you’re a developer, you can help out and improve the app to make it even better! All of WordPress’s apps are Open Source. If you’d like get involved, be sure to let us know. Read more on WordPress for Nokia Development.

To stay up to date with the latest news about WordPress for Nokia, be sure to subscribe to @WPNokia on Twitter!

So, how do you like the new app?

Join 112.1M other subscribers


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  1. gbvaz

    Wow, that’s cool!


  2. pukirahe

    This is Internet upon Internet.
    This is light upon light.
    This is the new achievement of WordPress.com.


  3. shamballa9944

    That is a terrific milestone! Congratulations WP and all you mobile bloggers out there!


  4. adirrtymind

    I’m proud to be 1 in that 1 million.


  5. Stuart

    Well done guys – and keep it coming. I really enjoy being able to write posts, moderate comments, reply to comments etc while on the go.

    (Speaking of which – can we now have the iPhone app fixed? – it has been broken for ages – and yes, this has been reported through the correct channels).


  6. Logan

    Cool! I love WordPress!


  7. Eric

    I hope the iPhone version gets launched soon!


  8. Andrew S.

    Looking forward to the day of WordPress for webOS.


  9. sara

    I can’t wait till I finally get an iPhone so I can blog mobile. Congrats to you guys!


  10. 2zpoint

    May they get a million more!


  11. Lee



  12. Pingback: WordPress Celebrates 1M Mobile Users
  13. Mary

    Wow, congrats!


  14. Jonathan

    Very looking forward to the release of iOS app for iPhone!


  15. stickinsect

    I have never used WordPress on my mobile. Conversely, I write all my posts on my hulking 7 year old desktop PC. It is great though that WordPress can be enjoyed by everyone, however they choose to access it. Keep up the good work!


  16. cOokie

    Very, very cool! You’re the best 😳


  17. Jafar Al-Hassan



  18. ariasparrow

    Great dude! Just what mobile folks need :p


  19. arierahayu

    The Ovi Store said that this app is not available for 5730 Express Music. 😦


  20. Pingback: Merayakan 1 Juta Pengguna dan Rilis Wordpress Nokia | The Indonesianforum
  21. rejistania

    Why not just make a WAP compliant version to support all browsers? Would that be too easy? I for one am waiting for a way to use WP in all kinds of … nonmodern browsers. Dillo (I use some boxen which are too slow for FF), elinks (because sometimes I cba to start X11 on these systems), the IE of Windows CE 5.0 (Allfine Netbook, don’t ask)…


  22. jessicalinblog69

    Although I don’t really like Nokia phones right now, I’m still happy to hear this good news for WordPress…


  23. Pingback: 1 Million mobile WordPress Nutzer
  24. Rowjie

    Can both WordPress.com and WordPress.org use this app?


  25. John Brøndum

    Same for the N97 – needs to be N97 Mini despite what stated on nokia.wordpress.org… Not sure if this is WordPress or Nokia, but less than impressive launch of the WordPress for Nokia application. I have the E63, so I guess I’ll continue using the blog via email feature… 😦


    • Isaac Keyet

      You are right, the app doesn’t seem to be available for the N97 currently. This is a mistake on our part, as it is indeed compatible with the device. We’ll work on making it available as soon as possible.


  26. Pingback: 1 Million WordPress Mobile Users, Are You One of Them? | ChurchDrop
  27. navedz

    You rock!!


  28. Imaginarium of Pau

    This is what innovation is! Cool! 🙂


  29. X I N A I ツ

    Are we going to have one for windows mobile too? 🙂


  30. Pulkit Kaushik

    Pst pst…If you think you Blog using your mobile then think again because you posts would be like Facebook status updates.


  31. Russell Hawker

    Very disappointed that the apps do not work on my Nokia E71.


  32. andrihdt

    Not working to my handphone 😉 But I like my deskop PC.


  33. rockstaraltair

    WordPress for Nokia!


  34. Susan Nicole

    Yay!!! Congrats Guys!!!


  35. Ljubomir Gatdula

    This is great! 🙂


  36. Pranav Garg

    Will WordPress create a mobile app for Symbian S60v3 users?
    If not, I’ll get an Ipod Touch. =P


  37. Pingback: Filipino Internet Users » WordPress: Reaching 1 million Mobile Users And Announced Expansion For Nokia!
  38. Mardoto

    Cool & nice. Thx.


  39. James Woodson IV

    Keep up the good work WordPress!


  40. Hani

    Thats great! I can’t wait to get iPhone and start blogging on the way.. Congrats!!


  41. Pingback: Free symbian Zone » Celebrating 1 Million mobile users: WordPress for Nokia! — Blog …
  42. Intelligent Challenge

    Brilliant. Great work team WordPress.


  43. Pingback: Wordpress for Nokia « Centrilitia
  44. Benjamin Franklin

    Congrats guys! Thanks for sharing.


  45. nilanjana

    Congrats! I pride myself in flying with WordPress. Wish you many more achievements ahead…


  46. filmeonlinesubs

    Super cool.


  47. Johz

    Congratulations! Nokia ftw! This is fantastic news for me!


  48. Yunizar Blogs

    I’ll try.. Soon, I’m using N97.


  49. Carole Brown

    Congratulations on this …And for being such a wonderful example of what’s possible with Open Source development and for being on the frontier in so many ways! Thank you.


  50. lusysunsetgirl

    Congrats for 1 million app users, WordPress! Many people use Nokia smart phones down here. 🙂
    I’ve been using the Android app for about a month now and did the upgrade yesterday. I love the way I can moderate comments on multiple WordPress blogs from my HTC Desire. I’m sure this one is going to rock as well. Keep up the great works!


  51. رسول وحدتی

    I love WordPress very much .


  52. dodagrivas

    Amazing, handy and very helpful. I think the new app is almost a must, as technology is climbing up non stop every single moment.
    Thanks for keeping us posted regularly.


  53. فرزاد

    Congrats !


  54. The Beaumeister

    Hi Isaac, I think is is truly wonderful!… Unfortunately, when I checked OVI just now (through PC and phone), it says the app is not available for the N97. Maybe you’d want to edit the ‘N97’ off the list above of suitable phone. Hoping it will be offered for my device though, but then that between us N97 users and Nokia. ^_^


  55. geneghis

    Super 😉


  56. ozzythea

    Hai WordPress I like it…


  57. Pingback: WordPress празднует 1 миллион мобильных пользователей | Новости современных технологий, свежие стартапы - Новости Интернет - Ваш гид в мире IT | obac
  58. gameguru95

    Congratulations!! That is a great achievement indeed!


  59. anay

    Congratulations for WordPress that have successfully created an
    application that can be used on Nokia phones. But, why only Nokia just
    chosen to be able to use this application, maybe another mobile phone
    that also desperately need this application, maybe if this application
    could be used in other mobile, WordPress will be more successful in
    developing it’s network in this virtual world. Develop your work that
    has been successful, thank you.


  60. mrpatrickblog



  61. Gally Lines ~ LestISmiteThee.wordpress.com



  62. Samantha

    I think I’m the millionth one!! Thanks.


  63. Pingback: WordPress Declares Mobile Supremacy, Boasts 1 Million Users | The Blog Herald
  64. Pingback: WordPress Mobile supera quota 1 milione
  65. Jonathan

    That’s some milestone (and a great landmark for blogging!)


  66. Pingback: Wordpress Surpasses 1 Million Mobile Users Mark
  67. Viviane

    Make it available for the E72! Damn it, I’ll just get an iphone…. 😦


  68. cepet

    Is this not available for WebOS?


  69. Bushra

    Wow, good news, and congratulations on having 1 million users. I wish I could use this feature, but it seems to be unavailable for my Nokia 6700 slide. I hope it will be available in the near future, or I’ll have to consider buying a new mobile soon.

    Thanks for the good news,


  70. jiulang999

    Nokia is a sinking boat, a big one though.


  71. Chintan

    I am very bad at touch screen mobiles. That’s why I am planning to buy Nokia e series or c5-00 which I guess, are series 60 V3. I am very disappointed to know that WP developers won’t introduce compatible application in future. Anyways, nice work Isaac. I particularly liked the thing that you guys are spreading your wings to cover more and more each time.

    Good luck.


  72. Jayant Raj

    Thanks… It’s a great news for me. 🙂


  73. lucadifino

    Are you planning a version for Windows Phone 7?


  74. Pingback: Wordpress: 1 million d’utilisateurs mobiles et une nouvelle version pour Nokia | OnSoftware France
  75. Rose Buenconsejo

    Very sad. =((( It’s not available on nokia E series =(((
    Anyhoo, congrats! Happy that you did not skip Nokia — my fave =)


  76. Da♥

    Woot~!!! Finally a useful app not just for iPhone!!
    Thanks WP for taking us Nokia users into consideration!!! ;D


  77. Pingback: WordPress Mobile Users Grow To 1 Million
  78. Tadas

    WordPress for Nokia doesn’t work on Nokia 5800. The app hangs on the main screen, or when entering account details Save button doesn’t work. What is happening here?


  79. yasutora

    YAY! A million users! great job guys! now there’s like a .01% chance that people will read my stuff! Just jking ya… its just great to be part!


  80. 老顽童K

    I hope the iPhone/iPad/iTouch ver. release soon!


  81. joelenz80

    Is it compatible with Motorola MC75?


  82. scootnz

    Disappointed that it isn’t available for the E63.


  83. jillianfaith01

    I hope WordPress for Nokia will be extended to other symbian phones like e63, e71 and the like. Please please do something about it. Thanks and more power! And Congrats by the way! 🙂


  84. trojanbutterfly

    Too bad this isn’t available for my phone which is a nokia E72 😦


  85. herul48

    I love WordPress 🙂


  86. Dinesh

    Thanks for this wonderful tool. 🙂


  87. Κώστας Χ.Ζέρβας

    Great news!!!!


  88. EverBright

    Nokia E63?


  89. engrmuh

    WordPress is cool and is dominating the web world.


  90. ntaslimah

    Waiting for the platform for made in chine Mobile Phone 🙂
    In indonesia Millions using China mobile phone… such as NExian, Cross, HTMobile, Venera and so on


  91. Pranav Garg

    The app isn’t working on my Nokia 5800.
    Do you know whom should I contact?


  92. squeezedwords

    Ok that’s it I am going to have to try the mobile thingy.


  93. cc112358

    U guys should also develop iPhone apps, it should be better.


  94. Joan-BlogBizBuzz

    This is wonderful news, here in South Africa there are more folk on phones than there are on desktop or laptop, really ‘handy’ computers! Thanks for the information above… “All of WordPress’s apps can be used for both WordPress.org and WordPress.com blogs/sites.”


  95. Zumaboy

    Awesome! Great job guys!


  96. Freud Fission Chips

    Exceedingly cool – as it were.

    Looking forward to getting to grips with the Nokia app.


  97. Pingback: WordPress adds mobile support for Nokia, and reaches 1 Million Users
  98. Umair Ulhaque

    Hope it will also work on Nokia C3.. I have to give a try!


  99. Yngve I. Levinsen

    You could also mention that it is in fact available in some repository (which?) for the N900/Maemo as well? I just installed it, and my god has it come a long way since the development version I installed 6 months ago! Great work guys!


  100. Fuzzy Logic

    That is a really good app with a good interface and I love the slide-y menus. and I did find a few issues which I think can be worked on. If that’s done, it will be the best app ever on my phone.

    1. Startup time: It’s very slow that made me think it hung.
    2. The download from ovi installs the rest of the app in the Phone Memory which can slow down the phone by a lot. (Atleast 6 Mb is downloaded.)
    3. It would be awesome if you added another tab that would give a mobile preview of the blog.
    4. A few of the gravatars did not load even after over 10 mins. (I used a WiFi.)

    P.S. I own a 5530 XM. Good app, anyways.


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