
WP Accordions

WP Accordions with font color, background color styling options and 100% resposinve.
آخر تحديث
September 26, 2019
WP Accordions
  • WP Accordions is simple accordion plugin with rich featured options and templates, this plugin will allow you to design accordion that will be diplayed on your page or anywhere in the content with shortcode
  • Shortcode inserter is new feature and enhance feature you can add and edit shortcode in editor by just one click and edit the shortcode by double clicking on placeholder.

Plugin Features

  • Unlimited Accordions.
  • Responsive Design.
  • CSS Accordion (No JS)
  • Use Via Editable Short-Codes.
  • Accordion order sorting.
  • WP Editor for accordion content add / edit.
  • Heading Color.
  • Heading Background Color.
  • Container Text Color.
  • Container Background Color.
  • Container Text Align.
  • Short-Codes support inside accordion content

Upcoming Features * Hide any accordion without deleting it. * Multiple Templates * Animated JQuery Accordion * Font Awesome Icons(Add your own icons). * Lazy Load.

مجانيعلى خطة Creator
إذا قمت بالتثبيت، فإنك توافق على شروط خدمة ووردبريس.كوم وشروط إضافات الأطراف الثالثة.
تم اختباره حتى
تتوافر هذه الإضافة للتنزيل لتُستخدم في عملية التثبيت المستضافة ذاتيًا على ووردبريس لديك.