Add an email capture and lead generation subscribe/signup form and collect first name , last name and email id list in your WordPress dashboard.
آخر تحديث
May 12, 2022
التنصيبات النشطة
Email Capture & Lead Generation

Email Capture & Lead Generation plugin helps to collect emails with first name and last name and get list of subscriber in your WordPress dashboard. It is light weight handy to use newsletter plugin. It’s main objective is to collect subscribers by simply putting a newsletter signup or email subscribe form onto your website with the help of short code. Get all the subscribed user in a list and download list in CSV formate.

Main Features

  • Export subscribers list as a csv
  • Stand alone no third party dependency
  • Admin view for subscribers
  • Simple Subscription form with manageable fields
  • Get first name, last name , email id directly to your wordpress backend
  • Light weight plugin


You can use the shorcode with arguments:

[eclg_capture lastname="yes" firstname="yes" button_text="Send"]
  • firstname: Accept yes or no, use no if you don’t want to show firstname field in form. Default: yes
  • lastname: Accept yes or no, use no if you don’t want to show lastname field in form. Default: yes
  • button_text: Enter text that you want to show in button.

PHP Code

You can use the php code to your theme, child theme or plugin files:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[eclg_capture lastname="yes" firstname="yes" button_text="Send"]'); ?>

Need Help

If you’re stuck or ever have any questions or need any help regarding the use of this plugin, you can email us on

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