أثرِ ميزات موقعك باستخدام الإضافات

أضف وظائف وعمليات تكامل جديدة على موقعك باستخدام آلاف الإضافات.

66 إضافة
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    Migration, Backup, Staging - WPvivid
    بواسطة WPvivid Team
    الترحيل، النسخ الاحتياطي، والبيئة المرحلية (بيئة ما قبل الانتاج) ولقطات قاعدة البيانات.
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    Post Duplicator
    بواسطة Metaphor Creations
    Creates functionality to duplicate any and all post types, including taxonomies & custom fields.
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    Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce
    بواسطة Code Parrots
    Add custom tabs with content to products in WooCommerce.
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    Duplicate Menu
    بواسطة Jon Christopher
    Easily duplicate your WordPress menus with one click.
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    NS Cloner - Site Copier
    بواسطة Never Settle
    The NS Cloner saves TONS of time by cloning existing sites in a multisite network to a completely new site in a few seconds.
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    Live Copy Paste Elementor Addon - Cross Domain Copy Paste, Copy Local to Cloud, Copy Paste Elementor Section
    بواسطة BdThemes
    With our Live Copy Paste plugin, import/paste page sections from Elementor landing pages and Ready templates with one click for instant web design.
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    Auto Coupons for WooCommerce
    بواسطة RLDD
    Apply WooCommerce Coupons automatically with a fast, lightweight plugin. Set minimum product quantities, apply coupons by URL or automatically.
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    BCM Duplicate Menu
    بواسطة BCM.dev
    This is the easiest way to duplicate your menu
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    Menu Item Duplicator
    بواسطة Mathieu Hays
    Allow you to duplicate menu items and their sub-elements in Appearance > Menus
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    ACF Flexible Layouts Manager
    بواسطة Valentin PELLEGRIN
    Add "Copy", "Duplicate", "Import" & "Paste" options for layout in ACF Flexible Content.
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    Post Cloner
    بواسطة Evan Herman, Ben Rothman
    Post cloner allows you to easily make complete duplicates of any post on your site. That includes posts, pages and custom post types.
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    Duplicate Widget
    بواسطة Scott Reilly
    A widget that can act as a duplicate of another widget (for synchronized use in another sidebar)
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    ACF Clone Repeater
    بواسطة Suman Ali
    ACF Pro 5.9 comes with a duplicate row feature on its own.
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    Clone Woo Orders - Free by WP Masters
    بواسطة WP Masters
    This plugin adds one-click Clone feature for each Woo Order at your Orders List
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    ACF Duplicate Repeater
    بواسطة Jörn Lund
    Duplicate Repeater and Layout Fields in ACF Pro.
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    WP Copy Content Protection
    بواسطة Blogger PNG
    WP Copy Content Protection wordpress plugin protects the content from being stolen by content thieves. It disables the right-mouse click and disables …
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    Advance Canonical URL
    بواسطة Usman Ali Qureshi
    A WordPress plugin to avoid duplicate content with respect to SEO throughout the website with advance settings.
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    PW WooCommerce Copy Coupon
    بواسطة Pimwick, LLC
    Simply adds a Copy button to WooCommerce coupons to make it easier to create new coupons!
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    AMS Post And Page Duplicator
    بواسطة Manoj Sathyavrathan
    For creating copy of posts and pages.
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    Duplicate TEC Event
    بواسطة Ben Lobaugh
    Adds the ability to duplicate an event created by Modern Tribe's The Event Calendar plugin.