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From WikimaniaTeam

The Wikimania Team wiki is a private workspace for the volunteers who organise each Wikimania.

This wiki was active from 2006 to 2014, after which non-sensitive collaboration generally occurred on public wikis (e.g. the annual Wikimania site or Meta), and private communication among organisers have mostly moved to more secure platforms.

This wiki is preserved for future Wikimania organisers' reference. If you are a new Wikimania organiser and require access to the archive information on this private wiki, please contact the Wikimania Committee.

For the public wiki and official site of the next Wikimania, please visit wikimania.wikimedia.org.

Separate wikis were created for each Wikimania from 2005-2018 (but not since 2019). For official sites from previous Wikimanias, please see: