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  • Tục ngữ Việt Nam có câu: “Con hơn cha là nhà có phúc”. Trong bối cảnh đó thì thứ bậc lại trở thành cản trở sự thăng tiến của gia đình.
  • 83 palabras más

Arthur Golden : Memoirs of a Geisha

47766873895 – Download and read Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden online in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle and other supported format.

Book Details

Title : Memoirs of a Geisha… 134 palabras más


We The People

The Indian tricolor. Our pride. Vibrant with a message, what we are, what we can be. We are strong and courageous. Peace and truth are our virtues. 991 palabras más


What is the Bible?

In 1455, Johann Gutenberg peeled off the first printed copy of the Bible from his revolutionary new machine, the printing press. For the first time ever, the best selling book of all time could be produced by the hundreds, even thousands! 796 palabras más

Blog Feed


Paradise is lost,

man vanquished;

the way, now guarded

by cherubim, after the fall.

Adam, sees their flaming swords,

as the angels guard the way… 21 palabras más


Message of the Day: The Way To Restore An Offending Brother

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted… 169 palabras más

Message Of The Day