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I Walk, I Blog, It's Sunday

I took a walk earlier in hopes of making a Pedestrian Post with Pictures in lieu of my usual Wrist to Forehead Sunday Post.  I do not know how well it went. 298 palabras más


Snapshot #231 | 10 Things for 28 May 2023

Photo: Make a wish. May 2023.


1. resisting… the urge to slow down. It’s not summer yet, even if it feels like it today. 98 palabras más


(Without audio) Travels with Charlie in COMMIFORNIA. Chapter 5. Part G. "It ain't Switzerland"

I continued south from Mono. Thirty minutes later, I was in the Owens Basin. And it wasn’t Switzerland. It wasn’t green.

It looks like a lot of Arizona. 772 palabras más


What do I want out of this?

For as long as I can remember I have been more comfortable with a pen in my hand, but writing about why I make art or what I want from it has never come easily. 249 palabras más


Stream of Consciousness

Life is the accumulation of memories

A pleased smile, you waited for me against a sun drenched street

A surprised grin, I thought you forgot… 298 palabras más

Nothing at all

Daily writing prompt

What does «having it all» mean to you? Is it attainable?

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“Having it all” is a misnomer, because you need nothing at all to have it all. 117 palabras más


On being "out"

I am bisexual, I have ADHD, and I am autistic. I proudly wear my bisexual flag as a cape. My husband proudly supports and uplifts my bisexuality. 1.036 palabras más

Samantha Figuly Writes