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Foodie Friday:

Remedies for lactose issues typically arise due to a deficiency in lactase enzyme production in the body?

Ginger has natural digestive properties that help break down lactose in the body and improve the absorption of nutrients in the gut.

24 palabras más

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

There are many but the question is ‘a’ risk that I have taken and not regret.

Physically it would be running a marathon that was a distant dream once upon a time. 110 palabras más

Future love

In the future, where we’ll go, Hand in hand, our love will grow. The world will change, the times will shift, But our love will always be a gift. 105 palabras más

ICT and Modification

With the rise in prevalence and availability of technology within modern society, a relevant and well-rounded education requires the use of ICT within the classroom. When integrating ICT into your classroom, the SAMR Model is a useful framework to evaluate how effectively the use of technology enhances student learning. 431 palabras más

Recent Risk: Job Transition

When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

The most recent occasion where I decided to take a risk was when I applied for a new job in a different field.

291 palabras más

Daily Prompt Challenge

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Having a baby 🤭 I love my baby so much!


Daily Prompt

Daily writing prompt

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

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Marrying my second and current and last hubby, :) 96 palabras más
