The Wayback Machine -

Etiquetas » .

we finally made it home!

so happy to be home!

It’s official – the Schutzes are no longer onthemove! Yesterday, with the help of our fabulous agent, Kavita, escrow closed on our sweet little house in Montesano, WA, and we are home at last. 797 palabras más


Гендерне Право або Рівність людей за статевою ознакою

Починаємо з жінок, бо всі запрограмовані, як тільки бачать напис «Гендерне Право» отже були порушені права жінок.

Це чиї права порушені? Студія! Суспільство!?

Якщо Ви дивилися це відео та читали його опис, а також поставили паузу в тому місці де найвигідніші позиція тексту. 258 palabras más


Group 9 - 3D Prints and Assembling the fan

Regan Mealing

Now that i had finished the Cad it was not time to upload the files to makerbot and load it onto my usb. However, an issue that occured was that if i wanted to have suppourt material for 3/4 of my parts it would take a day or more to print for each of the parts. 231 palabras más

Physical Computing

Let's Talk Bookish: Long Series vs Short Series

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @ Eternity Books and hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each others’ posts. 641 palabras más

Book Review

Group 9 - Project 2 Creating The CAD

Regan Mealing – Once i had finished creating ideas and chose the favourite design

I then began to create the Cad with first satrting on with the front and back face of the fan … 206 palabras más

Physical Computing