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Alphabetical Listing of Calculators

We currently publish 34 business and financial calculators. Below are brief descriptions of each calculator. The link will take you to a page with a more detailed description and a screen shot for the particular calculator. Currently, calculators are not sold individually but are available in one of our three programs. (The letters following each calculator indicates the program which includes that calculator. C=C-Value!, S=SolveIT!, A=AmortizeIT! and L=Loan*Calculator! Plus.) We also have a handy chart comparing the features of each Windows programs as well as a list of features common to all calculators.

Accelerated Payment Calculator (S,A,L) - calculates the interest saved on a loan as the result of making periodic extra payments.

Affordable House Calculator (S,A) - calculates what an affordable house could cost considering income, taxes, maintenance, cash on hand etc.

Amortization Schedule (flexible) (S,A) - produces a flexible loan schedule which track payments, interest, principal and balance for the period. Both, rates & payments can be adjusted. (much, much more)

Amortization Schedule (basic) (L) - produces a quick, clear loan schedule which track payments, interest, principal and balance for each period. (more)

Annuity Schedule (S) - produces a flexible schedule which tracks how long an amount will last assuming a regular or irregular withdrawal. Also supports the ability to add monies to the cash flow.

Balloon Payment Calculator (S,A,L) - solves for any one of five unknowns: payment amount, balloon amount, rate, term or loan amount which would result in a loan with a specified balloon.

Bond Value and Yields Calculator (S) - calculates many attributes of a bond in addition to price and yield. Supports corporate, T-bills and zero coupon types.

Break Even Point Advisor (S) - calculates the quantity of a product which must be sold to break-even considering selling price, component costs as well as fixed and variable costs.

Bridge Loan Calculator (S) - determines if a second mortgage is required as well as its amount and payment given the parameters of an initial mortgage and the purchase price of a property.

Budget Calculator (S) - produce custom monthly budgets tracking projected and/or actual income and expenses.

Cash Flow Calculator (C) - NEW Simply, the most flexible and full featured calculator we publish. Periodic and exact day loan and investment schedules with one calculator.

Compound Interest and/or Simple Interest Calculator (S,A,L) - calculate interest for an exact day term and perform calendar math; days between dates, days to from date etc.

Declining Balance Depreciation Calculator (S) - calculate a depreciation schedule using this depreciation method.

Economic Ordering Quantity Calculator (S) - for large volume buyers of an item, calculate the optimal ordering quantity considering ordering and carrying costs.

Equivalent Rate Calculator (S) - calculate equivalent interest rates at different compounding frequencies.

Future Value Schedule (S) - produce a flexible future value of a series schedule. Rates and amounts can be adjusted.

Gross Profit Calculator (S) - calculated the gross profit on a series of transactions. Originally designed for retail or wholesale use, this calculator has proven to be a handy one for tracking profit on multiple stock transactions.

Internal Rate of Return Calculator (S) - IRR calculate the internal rate of return on a flexible series of periodic cash flows.

Lease vs Buy Advisor (S,A) - calculate whether or not it is more advantages to finance or lease.

Loan Calculator (S,A,L) - solve for amount, term, rate or payment amount for various payment and compounding frequencies and for various lending methods be it normal, Canadian, rules-of-78, interest only or fixed principal payments.

Loan Comparison Advisor (S,A) - compare two loan offers allowing for variations in all variables as well as payment and compounding frequencies and points due.

MACRS Depreciation Calculator (S) - calculate a depreciation schedule using this depreciation method.

Net Present Value Calculator (S) - evaluate the desirability of an investment which produces periodic or irregular cash flows.

Net Worth Calculator (S) - produce a customizable personal net worth statement.

Payment Required Calculator (S) - calculate the periodic payment required to reach a future amount.

Present Value of an Amount Calculator (S) - calculate today's value of an amount due on some future date.

Present Value of a Series Schedule (S) - calculate today's value of a flexible series of future amounts.

Purchasing Power Calculator (S) - calculate the purchasing power or equivalent value of an amount allowing for changes in inflation over time.

Refinance Advisor (S,A,L) - determine if it is advisable to refinance a loan.

Remaining Balance Calculator (S,A,L)- calculate the principal balance of a loan for any payment due date.

Rental Analysis Schedule (S) - calculates a cash flow schedule for a rental property considering over 20 variables and future cost and income projections.

Return on Investment Calculator (S) - ROI calculate the interest rate earned on an investment.

Straight Line Depreciation Calculator (S) - calculate a depreciation schedule using this depreciation method.

Sum of Years Depreciation Calculator (S) - calculate a depreciation schedule using this depreciation method.

Weighted Average Calculator (S) - calculate weight average costs and sales of a series of transactions.


Purchasing Power Calculator

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