Digital Revenue Network

Digital revenue is the key to the future of the news publishers industry. It is the core challenge of our times. But you don’t have to find your way to success all alone. Become a member of WAN-IFRA, the only truly global organisation of the world’s press, and get the support of our Digital Revenue Network team!

Our digital revenue network is focused on

Subscription Marketing, including customer journey, retention, product and pricing

Editorial strategies for engaging, high-performing, premium content

Premium advertising from branded content to ad alliances

Our team leads a network of experts on successful digital news business. The topics range from onboarding processes, retention and audience-centric strategies to professional UX, sophisticated marketing, smart data, and analytics. But it is not only our experts. We have an international network of highly-trained associate consultants to connect you with.

What we offer our members and what’s in it for you


Contact our expert DRN team, associate consultants, and regional directors for guidance and relevant connections. We offer cutting-edge, world-class expertise to support the transformation of your businesses through customised programmes. Our consultants assist our members worldwide in Executive Coaching, Branded Content, Newsroom Efficiency, Reader revenue, and Digital Subscriptions.

WAN-IFRA’s Expert Panel advises local, national, and international media companies. The team can assist with various services, including quick assessment calls, on-site strategic workshops, and study tours for managers and teams. We can even help with full-scale transformation projects that involve benchmarking and implementation. They are also available to serve as independent board members, strategic advisors to CEOs, and coaches for senior management teams.

Whether you want a quick assessment call, an on-site strategic workshop for your managers or a full-scale transformation project, WAN-IFRA delivers the link between information, expertise and results.

Global network

Global networkGet access to a global network of like-minded digital revenue professionals and publishers. Gain peer-to-peer connections with those who share similar challenges to share best practices, build networks and identify areas for collaboration on business and content strategy and revenue generation.

Harvest ways to improve performance and speed up decision-making. Identify the right partner or tool for a task.

Case studies

Access on-demand to our exclusive recorded case studies on digital reader strategy and advertising revenue from all our events worldwide. Explore our database of insight reports and market surveys.


Newsroom AI Catalyst

 The Newsroom AI Catalyst is an accelerator programme designed by WAN-IFRA. It is sponsored by OpenAI and is open to 128 newsrooms across Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and South Asia. It combines expert guidance with hands-on experience, equipping newsroom stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to drive strategic AI initiatives. On completion, participants will leave the programme with a prototype and a clear roadmap to scale up their artificial intelligence operations in the newsroom.

The programme is free for all WAN-IFRA members!

Table Stakes Europe

Participate in Table Stakes Europe, our tuition-free, challenge-based, performance-driven transformation programme. TSE helps news media build a sustainable digital business that focuses on audiences. You will join a community of 500 media professionals from 57 publishers in 15 countries who have already participated.

Scale up the skills, knowledge and expertise to meet your business and editorial goals. Align your operation with your strategy – break the silos. Secure a transformation process that delivers tangible results for your audiences and your business.

Knowledge Base

Explore the Table Stakes Europe Knowledge Base, our online resource with case studies highlighting best practices in digital transformation and audience-focused workflows.

Learn how to manage change in times of transformation. The knowledge base is available in English, French, German, and Spanish.

Innovate Local

Innovate Local is the only truly global programme for local media professionals. It’s built on WAN-IFRA’s mission to support a free, independent press. We’re building a global hub for knowledge sharing and networking around the future of sustainable local journalism. We offer you two compact webinars a month on a regular schedule. In each webinar, one publisher presents a case, looking at one scalable solution for local publishers and entities. And we invite you to be part of it!

The programme is free for all WAN-IFRA members!


Subscribe to our Reader Revenue Newsletter. We’ll send you our exclusive content and daily business news analysis every two weeks, distilled into one e-mail.

Filter the most relevant business news from the overwhelming flood of information about media. Dive deeper with our regular reports on market trends and best practices in paid content strategies.



Participate in our cutting-edge series of regional Digital Media Conferences in Europe, the Americas, Africa, South Asia and APAC, and the annual Newsroom Summit and CMS Day. And don’t miss the highlight of the year, the World News Media Congress, which includes events like the World Media Leaders Summit, World Editors Summit, Women in News Summit and the Golden Pen of Freedom.

Receive up to 25% discount on the public participation fee.


Join member-only webinars and roundtables on digital revenue topics.

Just in time and easy to sign up conversations with the brightest and best of brains from all over the globe.


Data Science Expert Group

Join our topic-specific professional forums, including the Data Science Expert Group. It is the first community of practice for news media professionals working in data science, data analytics and data engineering. Members interact and share knowledge with a shared repertoire of resources in virtual meet-ups and in-person gatherings.

Network with business peers for immersive conversations that count. Learn from successes and failures, link and connect ideas, and identify tools and ways to address your recurring challenges.

Media Management

Follow the Media Management Accelerator online courses, our video e-learning platform created to support publishers in reaching digital revenue goals.



Tap into our knowledge.

As members you can reach out directly to arrange a discussion with our in-house topic specialists. Maybe you need a readiness check on a new product or offer? Or you’re looking for a relevant case study? Just send an email to Martin Fröhlich or  Valérie Arnould.

Martin Fröhlich, Director, Digital revenue Network.  Before joining WAN-IFRA, Martin Fröhlich was Deputy Head of Newsroom at Redaktionsgemeinschaft ostwestfaelisch-lippischer Verlage and worked at the Neue Westfälische publishing house in Bielefeld for 15 years. He has been in the industry for more than 25 years. During his career he worked as a reporter, editor, media coach, head of department,  project manager, moderator and technical adviser. In the last decade, his focus lay on the digital transformation of editorial processes, products, management and writing. He led several projects in this field and knows about the challenge of transforming thinking and doing that have been dominated by the print channel for a long time. Froehlich started his career at a small local newspaper and joined a much bigger company later.

Valérie Arnould, Deputy Director, Digital Revenue Network After a decade working as a journalist covering the media industry (press, radio, TV and advertising), Valérie joined WAN-IFRA in 1997 as editor-in-chief of the French magazine, then deputy editor-in-chief for all languages, while also working on research projects (e.g. Alternative revenue streams for publishers in 2016; Paid digital content: the journey begins in 2013), executive programmes (Media Management Accelerator e-learning platform, eRev), digital media conference programming (our Digital Media Europe series, the World News Media Congress) and consultancy projects. She holds a master’s degree from IFP, University Paris II and a master’s degree in Political Science, Paris II.


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