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This article is about Katjaa's son. You may be looking for his Road to Survival counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Kenny

You're the greatest detective and I can be Dick Grayson! Your ward! ...That's Robin.
―Duck to Lee Everett.[src]

Kenny Jr., more commonly known as "Duck", is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale's The Walking Dead. He is the son of Katjaa and Kenny who lived in Fort Lauderdale when the apocalypse started. Loud and boisterous, what he lacks in smarts, he makes up for with enthusiasm.


Duck is deemed to be "dumber than a bag of hammers" and undisciplined, and he frequently displays symptoms of ADHD. He was nicknamed Duck because difficult things he went through (such as the apocalypse) went over "like water off a duck's back." On the surface, Duck can appear unintelligent, but he is smarter than others give him credit for. Such moments of intelligence occur when he helps Lee solve the mystery of the missing supplies. He has a wide knowledge of action comic books and usually obeys when others tell him to avoid trouble (aside from helping Lee's investigation whether Lee wants him to or not because he believed Lee was secretly asking him for help). Duck's lack of knowledge of the apocalypse is not stupidity as much as his parents protecting his young psyche. His accidental driving of a tractor onto Shawn Greene's leg and continuing to eat Mark's legs after the disgusting truth was discovered was simply due to childlike naivety (the latter more due to him not listening). Kenny later mentions that Duck keeps asking about Shawn, showing that Duck has remorse for his accidental role in Shawn's death.


Fort Lauderdale, Florida[]

Very little is known about Duck's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was born in 1993 to Kenny and Katjaa. He is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Kenny considers him and Katjaa his main priorities. He was allergic to bees, was never fussy about what he'd eat, and did not enjoy using forks. Duck was traveling with his parents from Memphis, Tennessee after visiting his aunt when the apocalypse started. While parked at a gas station, Duck was grabbed by an unknown man, causing his father to savagely beat the stranger.


Season One[]

"A New Day"[]

Duck is seen staying on Hershel Greene's farm with Lee Everett, Clementine, Hershel, Shawn Greene, and his two parents. He is seemingly unaffected by everything that is happening. He accidentally drives a tractor over Shawn's leg, trapping him. Later, along with Clementine, he is seen watching walkers attempt to attack Shawn. A walker then grabs Duck and tries to bite him. Lee has the decision to save either Shawn or Duck.

In-Game Decision[]

Shawn is seen pinned under the tractor which Duck accidentally started while walkers attempt to devour him. Duck is also attacked by the oncoming walkers. Lee will then have to decide which of the two to save. Regardless of the choice, the fence holding back the walkers will break and Shawn will be killed by walkers, influencing Hershel to kick the group off the farm.

Save Duck (Alive): If Lee chooses to save Duck, he punches the walker who grabbed him while Kenny takes him off the tractor and runs to safety. The walkers break the fence before Lee can help Shawn. Hershel is furious at the two of them for leaving his son to die and orders them to leave the farm. Kenny then offers Lee a ride to Macon.

Save Shawn (Alive): If Lee chooses to save Shawn, Kenny manages to save Duck from the walker and runs off while Lee attempts (but ultimately fails) to save Shawn. Before he dies, Shawn tells Hershel about Lee's attempt to save him. Hershel blames Kenny for his death at which point Lee can either defend Kenny or help place the blame. Hershel warns Lee about Kenny, telling him to imagine if it were his own son. Hershel tells the group to get off his farm and Kenny offers Lee a ride to Macon.

No Choice (Alive): Making no choice results in Kenny saving Duck, while Lee goes to save Shawn, but Lee runs out of time and Shawn is killed by the walkers. Hershel will both scorn Kenny and Lee and tell them to get off his property and never come back. This will hinder Lee's relationship with Kenny, but Hershel is never seen by Lee again (so there is no long term relationship effect).

Later, along with his parents and the rest of the survivors, he is seen in a rundown drug store. He is attacked by a zombie while on the streets of Macon, Georgia. He is saved by Carley, but Larry assumes that he has been bitten and tries to convince everybody either to kill him or throw him out. Lee must decide whether to side with Kenny or Larry. Later, he is seen at the motor inn, the Travelier Motel.

"Starved For Help"[]

Duck continues to appear in this episode. He remains oblivious to what is going on in the world. In the beginning of the episode he is drawing with Clementine and Lee has an option to feed him. If fed, Lee can now feed his father, Kenny. At the dairy farm, Duck seems impatient for food and pays no attention to the matter at hand. He can be seen on the swing while his father pushes him. Right before dinner time he is seen with his mother and Clementine petting and suturing the cow. He shows Lee the salt licks, and Clementine warns them not to actually lick them.

Once dinner is announced he begs his father to hurry up and hurries him to the dinner table. Once Lee confronts the family for cannibalism Duck ignores the discussion and continues eating Mark's legs until his mother takes it away saying "Mom! I was eating that!", in an annoyed tone. After Brenda confesses that her and her sons are cannibals, Duck says, "I don't wanna die. Mom, what did I eat?". Once Lee is knocked out and ends up in the meat locker, Kenny tells him that he believes they are using Duck as a bargaining chip so Katjaa can fix the cow and help with its delivery.

Duck is later found being held hostage by Andrew St. John, with a rifle to his head. His father makes a move and Duck witnesses him being shot. Duck runs away when Andy loses his grip. When walking back to the motor inn, he hears something that his father said is a car. The group finds the car and Lee decides whether or not to loot it. Whatever the decision, Duck seems to be in agreement with his dad about looting the car.

"Long Road Ahead"[]

Duck enthusiastically offers to help Lee as his side kick Robin (Dick Grayson) investigate the disappearance of Lilly's medical supplies, even if Lee refuses his offer.

When bandits raid the Motor Inn after Lee takes back the stolen medication from a grate outside the camp, walkers are attracted by the gunfire. Duck and Katjaa are tackled to the ground by one. Duck is subtly bit in his side. Katjaa tends to him for a while over a medical perspective, believing he might possibly be cured, and asks Lee to look for water to give him. On the train, Duck starts to cough up blood and Katjaa asks Lee to wipe his face off with a napkin. Eventually, she realizes that his death is inevitable and asks Lee to tell Kenny. Kenny, on the other hand, angrily denies that Duck is in danger until the very last moment, when he finally accepts Duck's fate.

Kenny and Katjaa agree that they don't want Duck to come back as a walker, so they take him into the woods to say their goodbyes and so that Clementine does not have to watch, but Katjaa can't handle the grief and commits suicide by shooting herself in the head, leaving a devastated Kenny to deal with Duck.

In-Game Decision[]

Have Lee Shoot Him (Dead): Lee will take the gun, believing that Kenny shouldn't have to put his own son down. He remorsefully shoots Duck in the head, and the duo leave the two corpses as they were in the forest.

Have Kenny Shoot Him (Dead): Lee believes that Kenny should be the one to do it, being Duck's father. Kenny will shakily aim at his son, and Lee can either choose to comfort him or hastily push him to shoot. Alternatively, if Lee simply remains silent when asked what to do, Kenny will simply raise Katjaa's gun at Duck.

Leave Him to Reanimate (Undead): Neither Lee nor Kenny can bring themselves to shoot the child, and they regretfully leave him to reanimate in the woods.

Lee later asks Clementine if she understood what happened to Katjaa and Duck. Clementine confesses that she was told that she would die like her friend. Duck is later mentioned by Lee when discussing his fate with Chuck. (Determinant) He can also be referenced to Christa and Omid if Lee chooses to tell them that his group is experiencing a bad day, and again if he tells them about Kenny and how he'd lost his entire family two hours before meeting the two newcomers.

"400 Days"[]

Duck, Kenny, and Katjaa all make a cameo appearance at Gil's Pitstop in the intro sequence. Duck appears running towards his father at the truck.

Season Two[]

"All That Remains"[]

Clementine was looking at a drawing of Duck along with his parents, Kenny and Katjaa, that she made near the end of "Long Road Ahead", when she was looking for a lighter in her pack. Later, when sneaking through the cabin, looking for medical supplies, she will also solemnly mention him with a sad tone in her voice if she looks at the portrait of a duck in the cabin, evidently displaying that the death of her friend still upsets her greatly.

"No Going Back"[]

Duck briefly appears during the dream sequence after Clementine has been shot by Arvo. He is seen in his ill state being held by Katjaa. He is the subject of her conversation with Lee in the dream, where they discuss what would happen to him. Prior to this, Kenny will mention how he wishes he could see Duck again, even if only for a short while. Jane will use Duck along with Katjaa and Sarita against Kenny in the car drive. Later, if Kenny is shot by Clementine before killing Jane, she can tell him that he will see Katjaa and Duck again.


Killed By

During the attack on the Motor Inn, Duck is knocked down and bitten on his side by a walker.

  • Lee Everett (Out of Mercy or Before Reanimation, Determinant) (Caused, Before Reanimation, Determinant)
  • Kenny (Before Reanimation, Determinant)

Later in the episode (on the train), Duck starts to cough up blood and Katjaa realizes what has to be done and asks Lee to convince Kenny stop the train. She (and Kenny, depending on Lee's choice) take Duck out to the woods. The group hears a gunshot, assuming Katjaa killed Duck. If Kenny goes with her, Lee hears him cry in distress. It is revealed that Katjaa, out of extreme grief, killed herself. Lee has to choose whether to kill Duck himself or have Kenny do it, or alternatively, Lee and Kenny can leave him there to reanimate. Lee can either mercifully shoot Duck while he's still breathing or wait until Duck stops breathing to put him down, while he stops breathing no matter what before Kenny pulls the trigger.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Kenny Jr. has killed:

Non-Canon Deaths[]

If Lee fails to perform certain tasks, then it is possible for Duck to be killed. These deaths are considered non-canon, as they result in a game over. The player will restart to try again. Below is a pictorial list on how Duck can be killed:

"Long Road Ahead"


For a more in-depth look at Duck's relationships, read here; Kenny Jr. (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Duck's most memorable quotes.

Season One

"Dad! We're gonna build a fence! There's a tractor and everything!"
- Duck excitedly telling Kenny about building the fence, "A New Day"

"Good! I'm gonna drive the tractor! I'm the foreman! Lift with your back, Shawn!"
- Duck to Lee while on the tractor (Determinant), "A New Day"

"Oh, man, Clementine! It was so awesome... And then this one time, Derek and Super Dinosaur got ambushed by Squidious, but Derek had an underwater mega-laser, it was so awesome! Oh, and then, check this out, Doometrodon had this mini-gun on his shoulder, it's all, like, pow, pow, pow! I thought Super Dinosaur was toast! But you know what? He wasn't. Oh, and then... (…) Oh, man, Clementine! Another thing!"
- Duck to Clementine about the Motel, "A New Day"

"Yeah, when are we gonna get some food?"
- Duck if Lee gives Clementine food before him (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"Oh, I know! It's a goat, right?"
- Duck looking at Clementine's dog drawing (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"That's 'cause I know Mom can fix him."
- Duck to Lee about his mom helping David/Travis (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"Oh, heck yes! Is there peanut butter? ("What do you think Duck?") No... Probably not..."
- Duck after Lee gives him an apple (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"Whaaat? But my stomach's all grumpy..."
- Duck to Lee if he apologizes for not giving him food (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"They said it's called a salt lick."
- Duck to Clementine about the salt licks, "Starved For Help"

"Hm. It smells funny in here."
- Duck to Clementine about the salt licks, "Starved For Help"

"I wanna play on the hay!"
- Duck as Lee looks at the hay (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"Mom, Dad, dinner time! It's dinner time! Dad! Dad, c'mon! Let's eat!"
- Duck to Kenny after dinner is ready (Determinant), "Starved For Help"

"Barbecue! Wow..."
- Duck as he eats human meat, "Starved For Help"

"Mom, I was eating that!"
- Duck after Katjaa takes away his plate, "Starved For Help"

"I don't wanna die! Mommy, what did I eat?"
- Duck after the St. Johns hold everyone at gunpoint, "Starved For Help"

"A mystery! (…) I'm sorry, I heard you guys talking. (…) Can I help? (…) You're the greatest detective and I can be Dick Grayson! Your ward! ...That's Robin."
- Duck to Lee about wanting to help find who's stealing supplies, "Long Road Ahead"

"Secrecy! (…) I won't tell a soul. (…) I will live in the shadows!"
- Duck after Lee says he can't help (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"

"Yes! What do I do? (…) I'm on the case!"
- Duck after Lee says he can help (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"

"Pink. Hmm. (…) A clue! (…) What do you think it is? (…) Maybe it's a sign! (…) Okay, back to investigating!"
- Duck as he and Lee look at a pink X on the wall, "Long Road Ahead"

"Psst, Lee. I found something. I found this piece of pink chalk and a scuff of it over by the gate! Totally! I was combing the scene for clues and--"
- Duck to Lee after he finds chalk, "Long Road Ahead"

"Just the chalk. I also found some bugs underneath the stairs. Don't tell Clementine."
- Duck after Lee asks if he found anything else (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"

"No. Mom and Dad won't let me touch any of their stuff. Lilly neither."
- Duck after Lee if he broke the flashlight (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"

"No! I'm a good guy."
- Duck after Lee asks him if he's stealing the supplies (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"

"See, I did good, huh?"
- Duck to Lee (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"

"Mommy! (…) Stop them!"
- Duck as the bandits attack (Determinant), "Long Road Ahead"


Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Duck is allergic to bees.
  • In a conversation with Clementine in "A New Day", Duck mentions Super Dinosaur, a comic series written by Robert Kirkman.
  • Duck mentions superheroes Batman and Robin in "Long Road Ahead". If Lee allows Duck to help him in his search for the cause of missing supplies, Duck will excitedly claim that Lee can be Batman and he will be Dick Grayson, the first Robin and Bruce Wayne's ward.
  • Duck is one of the two characters in the Motor Inn group that changes clothes frequently in each episode (in "Starved For Help" because of the Autumn weather and "Long Road Ahead" because of the group taking the Stranger's supplies from his family's station wagon. It is presumed that Duck's outfit is Adam's clothes.
  • In "Starved For Help", Lee has to decide who to give food to. 95% of players chose to feed Duck, the second most out of any character, only behind Clementine.[2][3]
  • At the Travelier Motel, when Lee has the option of telling the group about his past, Duck is the only one who doesn't already know not given the option.
  • If Lee doesn't successfully convince Kenny to stop the train, Kenny will force Lee out of compartment and the train will continue. Lee returns to the car where he left the rest of the group and sees a blood stain and a smear of blood. He reluctantly continues until finding Clementine's abandoned hat. The next shot is framed by Ben's corpse, as a reanimated Duck enters from the left and attacks Lee. Lee is too horrified to fight back, and the two fall out of the open train door. This scene is considered an Easter Egg by the programmers, dubbed, "Duck-pocalypse". The game will reload to the last checkpoint, as it is not canon to the actual story.
    • In this sequence, the noise Duck makes as a walker is the same as his dying breaths.
  • If Lee chooses to shoot Duck but waits long enough to do so, Duck will stop breathing, indicating that he has died.
  • Duck is the first named character confirmed to be directly killed by the infection. (Determinant)
    • Duck and Lee are also the only characters in Season 1 to be directly killed by the infection. (Determinant)
  • Duck's family had a pet Labrador retriever named Franklin. This can be found out by standing near Katjaa and Clementine when they are conversating on "A New Day".
    • Franklin was likely the "family dog" Kenny mentions to Lee in the meat locker in "Starved for Help".
  • Duck shares the same character model as Gill.
  • Duck has blue eyes in The Walking Dead Collection remaster, whereas he has brown eyes in the original game.
  • Duck is one of twelve determinant characters with a dead or undead status, the others being Lee Everett, the Stranger, Danny, Clyde, Walt, Sarita, Abel, Michael, Armando, Rodney, and Lloyd.

