SMTP Mailer


SMTP Mailer plugin allows you to configure a mail server which handles all outgoing email from your website. It takes control of the wp_mail function and use SMTP instead.

SMTP Mailer Add-ons

SMTP Mailer Settings

  • SMTP Host: Your outgoing mail server (e.g.
  • SMTP Authentication: Whether to use SMTP authentication when sending an email (True/False). If you choose to authenticate you will also need to provide your username and password.
  • SMTP Username: The username to connect to your SMTP server.
  • SMTP Password: The password to connect to your SMTP server.
  • Type of Encryption: The encryption to be used when sending an email (TLS/SSL/No Encryption. TLS is recommended).
  • SMTP Port: The port to be used when sending an email (587/465/25). If you choose TLS the port should be set to 587. For SSL use port 465 instead.
  • From Email Address: The email address to be used as the From Address when sending an email.
  • From Name: The name to be used as the From Name when sending an email.

SMTP Mailer Test Email

Once you have configured the settings you can send a test email to check the functionality of the plugin.

  • To: Email address of the recipient.
  • Subject: Subject of the email.
  • Message: Email body.

Known Compatibility

SMTP Mailer should work with any plugin that uses the WordPress Mail function. However, It has been tested with the following form and contact form plugins:

  • Contact Form 7
  • Jetpack Contact Form
  • Visual Form Builder
  • Fast Secure Contact Form
  • Formidable Forms
  • Contact Form by BestWebSoft

For detailed setup instructions please visit the SMTP Mailer plugin page.


  • SMTP Mailer Settings
  • SMTP Mailer Test Email Tab


  1. Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click the upload tab
  3. Browse for the plugin file ( on your computer
  4. Click «Install Now» and then hit the activate button

Preguntas frecuentes



2 de julio de 2024
Not working with Hetzner Servers.If I try other Plugins with same credentials everything works fine.
30 de mayo de 2024
Set up fields were checked and double checked and each field was correct. Plugin never sent the 3 test emails we tried to send. If you want to waste time, as we did, then install, activate and try to send a test email with this plug in.
27 de marzo de 2024
The plugin is good and simple enough. No intrusive notifications, no clutter to the sidebar
3 de octubre de 2023
Installed it now for send mail notiications with Gmail configured via CPanel mails, and at moment works great!!! Thank you!
15 de septiembre de 2023
very simple and fast, no rubbish and drawings. thank you
Leer todas las 57 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios


  • Updated the code for sanitizing password.


  • Added support for the email logger add-on.


  • WordPress 6.5 compatibility update.


  • Added support for the reply-to add-on.


  • WordPress 6.4 compatibility update.


  • Added an option to set the configured from address for all outgoing email messages.


  • Additional check for the settings link.


  • Removed admin notices to avoid confusion since configurations can vary on different servers.


  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility update.


  • WordPress 6.2 compatibility update.


  • Compatibility update for WordPress 6.1.


  • Updated the mail function for WordPress 6.0.


  • Updated the mail function for WordPress 5.9.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an Undefined variable error if $attachments was not set.


  • WordPress 5.7 compatibility update.


  • The password field can be left empty when updating the settings.


  • Updated the code to be compatible with WordPress 5.5.


  • SMTP Mailer is compatible with WordPress 5.3.


  • SMTP Mailer now checks for a valid nonce when sending a test email.


  • SMTP Mailer no longer shows the saved password in the settings.


  • SMTP Mailer is now compatible with WordPress 4.9.


  • Updated the mail() function by setting its minimum requirements to WordPress 4.8.
  • «phpmailer_init» action hook is now enabled so it can be used by other plugins.


  • Fixed a bug where an apostrophe in the password would cause SMTP authentication failure.


  • SMTP Mailer now supports the «wp_mail_failed» hook which fires after a phpmailerException is caught.
  • Added a new option to bypass this error on some servers where the SSL certificate is not properly configured – Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed.


  • First commit