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Posts from the ‘wordpress’ Category

Matt Mullenweg interviewed on Cranky Geeks

December 24, 2006


Check it out here.

YouTube Adds WordPress “post it” function

November 8, 2006


YouTube has added WordPress as a blogging service for which it is brain dead simple and easy to post a YouTube video.

This has been a while in the making, and certainly is good news for WordPress and (my portfolio company) Automattic.

More importantly, though, it makes it really easy for me to add videos to this blog!

“Why Rocks”

November 1, 2006


I generally try not to let this blog devolve into mere pimping my portfolio companies.

However, when someone else out there is doing the promoting, I have no problem linking to it.

So, check out this cool video from the guys over at Tubetorial on “Why WordPress Rocks.”

MySpace=AOL, Blogs=Endgame

August 11, 2006


Fred Wilson offers an interesting and provocative post on blogs as the ultimate start page:

Blogs are the endgame for social networking. MySpace is the AOL of blogging. It’s where you go when you don’t know how to do it yourself. But with MySpace starting to rein in what people can do with their pages (for a host of good and bad reasons), they are seeding their own decline. A decline that will take a decade if AOL is a good proxy. In the next ten years, most people who want an online home will have a blog, it will be their online identity and their start page and much more.

I haven’t done it yet, but I should change my start page to my blog. That’s where I go to start my day and end my day. And I am hell bent to configure my blog with enough functionality that it can be my newspaper, my inbox, my tv, my radio, and my social network. It’s pretty damn close already.

That’s where all of this is going. We’ll program our online world and others will too. And we’ll start our day there instead of the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times. My best is many of you reading this are already there.


August 6, 2006


Yesterday Matt and crew hosted the First Annual Wordcamp, essentially a WordPress users’ conference.

Several hundred ‘pressies attended what by all accounts was a huge success. Good coverage at The Blog Herald.

And I noticed that this morning “wordcamp” was the top search on Technorati.

WordPress Mojo

August 5, 2006


According to Technorati, WordPress is the ninth most popular tag in the blogosphere.

In case you are too lazy to go check it out, I am posting the list below. It is actually pretty interesting to see what the world is blogging about:













-Mel Gibson


Automattica III

May 28, 2006


The wordpress team announces that their new hosted service,, just crossed 200,000 users.

The also released some interesting stats, attesting to the rapidly escalating growth of wordpress:

"Now, some fun stats. In the past 10 days, bloggers have….

  • Created 14,100 blogs
  • Added 30,300 static pages
  • Tagged 188,259 tags on posts
  • Gotten 267,490 comments
  • Written 291,000 posts
  • Have 779,325 feed subscribers
  • Had 6,832,322 pageviews! "

For some more fun data on the growth of wordpress, try a google trends search comparing queries for wordpress and typepad, blogger or any of your favorite blog publishing tools.

Automattica II

April 23, 2006


O'Reilly has a neat post on using WordPress as a general purpose Content Management System. Check it out here.

Automattica I

April 23, 2006


(FYI: Automattica is the term I am going to use when I post on stuff related to Autmattic, a company I work with and whose funding was just announced.)

Fun Business 2.0/CNN article about Automattic CEO Toni Schneider here