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Posts from the ‘online games’ Category

Throwing Heat with Curt Schilling

November 12, 2007


This past Saturday I participated on a panel at Harvard Business School’s Cyberposium Conference. The panel was on Virtual Worlds and Online Games — itself enough of a draw for me. But we were all in for a treat: Curt Schilling, who in addition to helping the Red Sox win the World Series (have I mentioned that on this blog before?) is running an MMO startup called 38 Studios, was also on the panel. Needless to say, it was fun…Although my kids are furious with me for not getting Curt’s autograph.

My Week in California: Earthquakes, Keg Beer, Ocean Swims and Virtual Worlds

July 21, 2007



It’s been a fun week bouncing between LA and San Fran as the wife and kids are camped out at the in-laws in Southern California.

At about 4 am Friday morning I was shaken awake — literally — as a 4.5 Richter Scale Earthquake rattled my hotel in downtown San Francisco. I am told this is a pretty standard thing in San Francisco, but personally I didn’t think it was very cool.

Thursday and Friday were “virtual world” days for myself, my partner Steve Arnold and our summer associate Vikram Goel as we met with a handful of the smartest online game/virtual world folks around. We continue to think the intersection of social media, online games and virtual worlds is a fascinating topic and an area that will see lots of opportunity.

One of our meetings was with Sean Ryan, CEO of Meez. Kudos to Sean: when we arrived at his office Sean offered us an unusually broad array of drink options, including beer from the kegerator he keeps in the Meez kitchen. I think this was a first for me (I took him up on the beer offer — several times…).

On Wednesday I had a lunch meeting with WCSN CEO Claude Ruibal. We were scheduled to meet at Claude’s Beach Club in Santa Monica. Must be nice, hunh? When Claude phoned to say he was running late I threw on some shorts and took a dip in the ocean. I think I could get used to the notion of “working” in Southern California.

Today is Wordcamp. I’ll be going native, hanging out with the hardcore WordPressies for a day. Stay tuned as I blog this exciting event …