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Posts from the ‘automattic’ Category

WordPress Millionth Blog Party

May 20, 2007


Sometime this week will host its 1-millionth blog (a few million other blogs use the downloaded WordPress software, but they are not hosted by It has been a phenomenal 18 months since Automattic first launched the hosted blog service. Congrats to Matt, Toni and the team!

To celebrate this and a few other milestones the gang is having a party tomorrow night in SF.  Matt has details on his blog.

‘Tis the season for portfolio parties…

Rumors of the “Market Correction” of Blogs are Greatly Exaggerated

March 29, 2007


There have been rumblings lately about a decline in blogging.

Duncan Riley of 901 am recently wrote that the death of blogs is exaggerated — blogging is going through a “market correction,” not a death, he contends.

I’ll go a couple steps further. Blogging is not even going through a market correction, but in fact continues to see steady, and very healthy, growth.

The mistake Riley and others make is focusing on the rising number of abandoned blogs.

Those who have been watching the blogosphere closely for the last couple years — most notably (for me) the WordPress team — know that there always has been and always will be a healthy chunk of folks who try blogging only to find it isn’t for them.  Blog abandonment is a constant element of the blogosphere.  It just so happens that, we are now seeing the natural wave of abandoned blogs which is following the wave of blog creation over the last 6 months or so.  But that far from an indicator that blogging itself is on the wane.

What is the right measure of “blogging?”

Simply looking at the number of blogs created always has and always will overreport the level of “blogging.”  It makes alot more sense, instead, to look at more specific measures of blogging activity, things like number of posts, number of comments and audience.  These are the measures of activity we at the Automattic board take more seriously than the number of blogs created.

If the WordPress numbers are any indication of the blogosphere more broadly (I am pretty sure they are), each one of these measures has continued to enjoy very consistent, strong growth over the last 12-18 months.

WordPress Extends Beyond Blogging

January 9, 2007


A number of folks are starting to use WordPress not just for a blog but for a full fledged website.

In fact, Ford just launched a site based on WordPress.

Matt Mullenweg interviewed on Cranky Geeks

December 24, 2006


Check it out here.

YouTube Adds WordPress “post it” function

November 8, 2006


YouTube has added WordPress as a blogging service for which it is brain dead simple and easy to post a YouTube video.

This has been a while in the making, and certainly is good news for WordPress and (my portfolio company) Automattic.

More importantly, though, it makes it really easy for me to add videos to this blog!

WordPress Mojo

August 5, 2006


According to Technorati, WordPress is the ninth most popular tag in the blogosphere.

In case you are too lazy to go check it out, I am posting the list below. It is actually pretty interesting to see what the world is blogging about:













-Mel Gibson


Automattica I

April 23, 2006


(FYI: Automattica is the term I am going to use when I post on stuff related to Autmattic, a company I work with and whose funding was just announced.)

Fun Business 2.0/CNN article about Automattic CEO Toni Schneider here