InMobi University

InMobi University

Our courses educate marketers and publishers about the
ever-evolving in-app programmatic ecosystem, covering
everything from the basics to the latest trends and topics.

Choose your first course below!

Register for one of our courses made to learn about the ever-evolving in-app programmatic ecosystem.

Welcome to InMobi U
A brief overview of InMobi University (for all students)
1 min
publisher advertiser beginner
Understanding Consent Management Platforms
Learn the role a CMP plays in navigating today's privacy laws
15 min
publisher beginner
In-App Supply Side Overview
Get to know how the supply side of programmatic in-app advertising works (for publishers)
25 min
publisher beginner
Understanding Ad Mediation Platforms
An Introduction into Ad Mediation Plaforms
10 Min
publisher beginner
In-App Marketing Foundations
Learn the basics of in-app advertising. (for media buyers and marketers)
23 min
advertiser beginner
DSP Overview
An introduction and overview of Demand Side Platforms (for media buyers and marketers)
21 min
advertiser beginner
Mobile Ad Formats Overview
An overview of Ad formats for mobile advertising.
15 Min
advertiser intermediate
Inside Mobile Today: Sustainability
Explore ad tech's role in sustainability. Learn key terms, historical context, and industry initiatives to reduce carbon emissions in digital advertising. Join us in our journey towards a greener future
15 min
publisher advertiser intermediate
Best Practices in Mobile Advertising for CPG Brands
A comprehensive guide crafted to navigate the dynamic terrain of mobile and in-app advertising in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry.
12 min
advertiser intermediate
IDFA / ATT Mini-Course
An overview of the IDFA / ATT updates and actions to take (for all students)
11 min
publisher advertiser intermediate
Supply Path Optimization (SPO)
What it means and how it helps buyers. (for media buyers and marketers)
40 min
advertiser advanced
Strategies for Maximizing Ad Revenue
Maximize ad revenue and deliver great in-app ad experiences. (For Publishers)
21 min
publisher intermediate
Increasing the Value of Your In-App Ad Inventory
Identify ways to improve in-app ad viewability and reduce ad fraud. (For Publishers)
22 min
publisher intermediate
Identity for Mobile Advertising
Learn the significance of identifiers in today’s privacy-centric programmatic ecosystem. (for all students)
28 min
publisher advertiser advanced
Demand Path Optimization Mini-Course
Get to know how demand paths can be optimized. (For Publishers)
9 min
publisher advanced
Impact of Supply Side Integrations on In-App Marketers
Learn how publishers integrations can impact Media Buyers (for media buyers and marketers)
11 min
advertiser intermediate
User Acquisition Strategies for App Publishers
Learn how to gain new users for your mobile app. (For Publishers)
24 Min
publisher intermediate
A Guide to Mobile Attribution in a Privacy Era
Learn how to measure effectiveness and how to optimize User Acquisition Campaigns (For Publishers)
19 Min
publisher advanced
A Guide to Improving Audience Addressability through Universal IDs​
A Deep Dive on Universal Ids and how they can help improve the addressability of your Apps Audience (for publishers)
11 Min
publisher intermediate