Published 2024

Trustpilot Transparency Report

The Trustpilot Transparency Report provides more insight into the actions we are taking to protect and promote trust online.

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“We’re continually innovating to maintain our platform’s integrity, for the benefit of the whole Trustpilot community”

Anoop Joshi, Chief Trust Officer
Transparency Report 2024

Our Transparency Report highlights:

  • How we operate and safeguard our platform

  • How we combat fake reviews and misuse of our platform

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Trustpilot is committed to transparency

Find the 2022 edition of our Transparency Report below.

Read the previous report

Find the 2021 edition of our Transparency Report below.

Read the previous report

Transparency reporting under the Digital Services Act.

Read our report

Want to know more?

Visit our website dedicated to the Trust & Transparency of our platform.