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Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛

Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛


快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛

目前在 WordPress 生態圈裡有許多 SEO 外掛,但是對於一般使用者來說,這些外掛太多設定且太過複雜。在這些外掛的設定頁面中,網站管理員會因為對外掛的不了解,於是便很容易在宛如迷宮的說明及設定中失去方向。此外,這些外掛都內含廣告。

一般使用者該如何使用 SEO 外掛

SEO 應該整合為 WordPress 的內建功能,這樣使用者便不需要 (或僅需要) 花少許時間為 SEO 進行設定。會這麼說的原因,主要是因為並不是全部人都了解 SEO 的定義以及最佳的設定方式。

因此,我們開發了 Slim SEO

Slim SEO 是一款具備完整功能的 SEO 外掛,這點無庸置疑;它提供完整的 WordPress SEO 解決方案,並自動對 WordPress 完成相關設定。使用者無須煩惱外掛中複雜難解的設定。

Slim SEO 具備哪些功能?

Slim SEO 功能

Slim SEO 協助網站管理員自動處理以下工作:

1. 中繼資料標籤

以下中繼資料標籤均會自動產生,並會針對 SEO 分數進行最佳化。

2. XML Sitemap

Slim SEO 會自動產生 XML Sitemap (網址為 siteurl/sitemap.xml) 並提交至搜尋引擎。網站有了 XML Sitemap,能讓搜尋引擎索引的更快更完整。

除了一般的 XML Sitemap 外,Slim SEO 也包含圖片 Sitemap 及 Google 新聞 Sitemap。

3. 導覽標記


4. Schema (結構化資料)

Schema 是一種能為搜尋引擎呈現網站結構化資料的方式。使用網站所提供的資料,搜尋引擎便能在搜尋結果中以更吸引使用者的方式顯示網站內容。

Slim SEO 會以適於進行 SEO 的 JSON-LD 格式資料,自動為網站新增指定的結構化資料。這個外掛不僅會建立結構化資料,資料之間更會具備有意義的關聯。舉例來說,單篇文章 (single post) 會是目前網頁的主要內容項目,而 Slim SEO 無須任何設定便會自動完成這項資料的建立。

5. 重新導向

  • 輕鬆設定重新導向規則。
  • 自動重新導向無 www 網址至含 www 的網址,反之亦然。
  • 404 連結監控。

6. 其他功能


  • Slim SEO Schema:用於為 WordPress 新增結構化資料的進階、實用且兼具彈性的外掛。
  • Slim SEO Link Manager:使用即時報告輕鬆建立 WordPress 網站內部連結。


Slim SEO 適合哪些使用者使用


但是 Slim SEO 更適合那些不擅長 SEO 外掛複雜設定的使用者,同時它也適合僅具備些微 SEO 知識,但想要使用 SEO 外掛進行自動化工作的使用者。



  • Meta Box:可建立自訂內容類型及自訂欄位的實用外掛。
  • GretaThemes:簡潔、單純、功能���如其分的佈景主題,提供免費版及付費版。
  • Auto Listings:汽車銷售及經銷商外掛。



這個外掛提供 1 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。

  • [Slim SEO] Breadcrumbs Displaying breadcrumbs for the current page


在安裝外掛前,請先確認主機符合外掛安裝需求,必須為 PHP 7.2 或更新版本。

  1. 前往 [外掛]→[安裝外掛]。
  2. 搜尋「Slim SEO」。
  3. 安裝並啟用外掛。




WordPress 核心程式已內建這項功能,而我們所做的便是將 title-tag 新增至使用中的佈景主題。依照預設,標題標籤會以以下格式呈現:

網站首頁:網站標題 – 網站說明
單篇文章或頁面:文章/頁面標題 – 網站標題
其他頁面:頁面標題 – 網站標題



中繼資料內容說明標籤會使用文章內容摘要或文章內容 (如果文章沒有填寫內容摘要的話) 自動產生。針對分類、文章標籤或自訂分類法,會使用對應的內容說明作為中繼資料內容說明。

如何產生 Facebook 開放社交關係圖中繼資料標籤?



其他如 urlsite_nametypelocale 等標籤也會一併產生。

如何產生 Twitter 卡片中繼資料標籤?

Twitter 會使用開放社交關係圖的某些標籤,如網站標題、網站說明及圖片等標籤。我們僅將卡片類型設定為大型圖片,讓文章分享至 Twitter 時更美觀。





可以。編輯文章或頁面時,編輯器下方會出現 [搜尋引擎最佳化] 中繼資料區塊;如有需要,可以在這個區塊編輯中繼資料標籤內容。

網站的 XML Sitemap 網址為何?

XML Sitemap 的網址為 siteurl/sitemap.xml


將以下常數加入網站的 wp-config.php 檔案中:

define( 'SLIM_SEO_DELETE_DATA', true );


2024 年 6 月 21 日
Ahn helped me set up Schema on my site and was very patient in the process, and a pleasure to work with. If you are looking for a light weight SEO plugin which does the job without all the bloat, then you should give this a try.
2024 年 5 月 10 日
Extremely well coded and light. This tool is simply the best fit for my clients. With their paid addons slim seo schema and slim seo link manager, this tool is a complete sollution for everyone that wants to do seo
2024 年 4 月 8 日
با اینکه افزونه خیلی خوبی هست، ولی من در Redirection با حروف فارسی مشکل دارم. به جای حروف خط تیره (-) نمایش میده و به همین دلیل درست کار نمی کنه. I have a problem with Redirection in Persian language.
2024 年 3 月 31 日
Only request would be to make it easier to add a tile of own design. Even if its a limited drag and drop of image and header with a css editor!
閱讀全部 81 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛〉的開發相關工作。


〈Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛〉外掛目前已有 13 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記���


3.25.2 – 2024-06-21

  • Fix error when getting post images for SureCart products

3.25.1 – 2024-06-11

  • Fix typo in redirection module
  • Check if queried object returns null that causes error for Open Graph

3.25.0 – 2024-05-28

  • Add sitemap for Google news. The news sitemap is automatically added to the sitemap-post-type-post.xml sitemap. You do not have to change anything. Simply submit your sitemap URL (either or to Google News).
  • Auto get 1st image in the content for the schema and Open Graph if there’s no featured image.
  • Fix: get_the_author() returns null for LinkedIn
  • Fix: PHP warning for image alt
  • Fix SEO settings not available for Elementor landing page
  • Fix compatibility with Contact Form 7

3.24.0 – 2024-05-10

  • Support getting SEO settings for posts and terms via REST API
  • Optimize performance for sitemap
  • Improve output in robots.txt and add a filter to change robots.txt content

3.23.4 – 2024-05-07

  • Add support for LinkedIn author and date meta tags
  • Fix cannot change meta title & description of the shop page if it is set as the homepage
  • Fix activation error on ajax request

3.23.3 – 2024-04-08

  • Stop bots from crawling internal search result pages
  • Fix redirection issue with Chinese characters

3.23.2 – 2024-03-04

  • Fix wrong param types passed to get_avatar function
  • Add filter slim_seo_sitemap_style to remove sitemap style
  • Fix not loading correct language by user preference
  • Fix quick editing erases Facebook, Twitter images and canonical URL

3.23.1 – 2024-01-30

  • Fix wrong current URL in schemas when WordPress is installed in a sub-folder
  • Fix PHP error when accessing Appearance > Widgets

3.23.0 – 2024-01-23

  • Add CSV import/export for redirects
  • Fix getting wrong image URL in the sitemap
  • Improve the style for the settings page

3.22.5 – 2024-01-02

  • Re-add 410 in the redirection module. In this case, show correct 410 header instead of making redirect because 410 means the content is gone and no longer available. See this tutorial for more details.
  • Add filters slim_seo_admin_columns_post and slim_seo_admin_columns_term to hide admin columns for post types and taxonomies.
  • Do not reload page when adding new redirects.

3.22.4 – 2023-12-06

  • Fix migrating Woo’s product categories from SEOPress (#107)
  • Fix error in sitemap in TranslatePress integration
  • Removing separated image object for author image, replace it with URL so it can be overwrite in Slim SEO Schema
  • Fix @id of breadcrumb list schema not the same as in Slim SEO Schema

3.22.3 – 2023-11-14

  • Add support for Sensei LMS, Civi CRM, TranslatePress
  • Add SLIM_SEO_DELETE_DATA constant to set whether the plugin deletes its data when uninstalling, default false
  • Use only 3xx status codes for redirection
  • Add type-safe check for rel links for terms
  • Remove dashboard news
  • Prevent error for breadcrumbs on tax page
  • Fix duplicated post type archive url in sitemaps

3.22.2 – 2023-10-19

  • Do not generate rewrite rules for sitemaps if no post types or no taxonomies
  • Add post type archive link to sitemap
  • Fix not auto generating alt text for existing images
  • Fix warning for PHP 8.1/8.2 when getting robots tag for Account page of Jnews theme

3.22.1 – 2023-10-11

  • Add support for Ninja Forms and Filter Everything plugins
  • Add support for Github Updater
  • Set og:type="website" for static front page
  • Improve breadcrumbs accessibility by adding aria-hidden="true" to separators
  • Generate alt text for images on upload instead of when inserting into posts
  • Disable Jetpack Photon for sitemaps (#99)
  • Fix not stripping inline CSS from meta description preview, fix Stackable plugin compatibility

3.22.0 – 2023-09-18

  • Add integration with The Events Calendar
  • Add integration with GravityView
  • Bricks integration: skip shortcodes & blocks in dynamic data {post.content}
  • Add missing alt for avatars
  • Fix getting robots noindex from SEOPress
  • Add safe-check for get term’s canonical URL
  • Change priority for meta box to low

3.21.3 – 2023-07-24

  • Schema: set the same @id for search action, logo, author across the site
  • Schema: fix missing trailing slash in the current URL
  • Add support for Syntax-highlighting Code Block (with Server-side Rendering) plugin
  • Add more ignored post types from page builders
  • Remove meta description in Hello Elementor theme
  • Fix incorrect data type returned from Bricks for WooCommerce cart page
  • Fix JS error on the settings page if no custom post types

3.21.2 – 2023-06-20

  • Import redirects from Rank Math & SEOPress #94
  • Add wpml-config.xml for translating meta tags in WPML and Polylang
  • Delete plugin settings when uninstall
  • Fix noindex not working correctly
  • Fix PHP warning on getting post type archive page

3.21.1 – 2023-06-05

  • Fix error on settings page when having a CPT with has_archive = true

3.21.0 – 2023-06-05


Add settings for custom post types to give you options to:

  • Not include a post type in the search results. This option will apply the robots tag “noindex” to all posts of the post type and exclude the post type from the sitemap.
  • Change the meta tags (title, description, Facebook & Twitter images) for the post type archive page.

Other changes:

  • Add “Page %s” to the title for paginated pages with custom title
  • Bricks integration: ignore shortcodes inside Bricks elements when rendering the meta description
  • Add slim_seo_meta_description_manual filter to decide whether the meta description is manually set
  • Fix conflict with core/query block
  • Fix redirection “To URL” missing trailing slash

3.20.2 – 2023-05-19

  • Add support for WPForms and MailPoet
  • Fix wrong text domain.
  • Fix bug when Admin Columns plugin removes the meta title column

3.20.1 – 2023-04-25

Based on the user feedback, we decide to disable user sitemap by default. You can still enable it if needed with the snippet:

add_filter( 'slim_seo_user_sitemap', '__return_true' );

You might want to re-save the permalinks to update the rewrite rules.

Other changes:

  • Improve the Bricks integration to work with pages that use templates

3.20.0 – 2023-04-20

  • Add user sitemap
  • Add breadcrumbs block, useful to be used with the Full Site Editor
  • Add Pinterest rich pins for WooCommerce
  • Improve Bricks + WPGB integration, ignore elements with query loop
  • Exclude Bricks templates from the sitemap
  • Skip rendering some blocks for meta description & Open Graph, which cause custom CSS issue with FluentForms
  • Fix migrating from AIO SEO plugin, due to its recent changed
  • Fix redirect not working with mailto: link
  • Fix compatibility with Auto Listings & LifterLMS

3.19.1 – 2023-04-14

  • Exclude external images from the sitemap
  • Fix Bricks dynamic tags not rendering
  • Fix clicking on canonical field focusing on title field

3.19.0 – 2023-04-04

  • Add canonical URL
  • If a page is set as the post type archive, get the page title for the breadcrumbs
  • Make breadcrumbs include product categories for WooCommerce
  • Fix rel link for the 1st page containing /page/1

3.18.2 – 2023-03-21

  • Add type safe for checking terms in breadcrumbs
  • Fix regex redirection causing PHP warnings
  • Fix link attributes in WP 6.0

3.18.1 – 2023-02-22

  • Make plugin name clear for translators (#76). Credit Alex Lion (@alexclassroom).
  • Fix PHP warning for the Google Web Stories integration
  • Fix wrong reference to plugin’s service list
  • Fix breadcrumbs on pages with other queries

3.18.0 – 2023-02-17

  • Increase min required PHP version to 7.1
  • Add rel nofollow, sponsored and ugc to links. Works for both classic and block editors.
  • Add integration for Ultimate Member
  • Improve integration for WooCommerce
  • If a page is set as the post type archive, get SEO settings from that page
  • Truncate the admin columns for meta and use tooltip to show it full and improve CSS for it
  • Fix redirect 404 not working if 404 logs is not enabled

3.17.0 – 2023-02-06

  • Add integration with AffiliateWP
  • Improve compatible with Bricks & WP Grid Builder
  • Redirect to the settings page after activation

3.16.6 – 2023-01-31

  • Make filters to meta tags (title, description, robots) work on the admin post/term list table
  • Don’t add schedule or remove 404 log if not enabled
  • Only run schedule for delete logs automatically if 404 log table exists
  • Fix taxonomy quick edit not working

3.16.5 – 2023-01-03

  • Set default OpenGraph tag og:image:alt to image title if alt text is missing
  • Remove the optional OpenGraph tag article:author for privacy and security reasons
  • Make default title value preview reflect the real meta title even after filtering by PHP
  • Fix site title & site description has escaped characters in the input placeholder
  • Fix wrong upgrade link

3.16.4 – 2022-12-28

  • Set meta column widths to prevent layout broken
  • Add filter for text in feed
  • Deny request to post type/taxonomy sitemaps if they’re filtered
  • Fix redirect with regex
  • Fix wrong 404 link in the report table
  • Fix cannot enter spaces in redirect notes

3.16.3 – 2022-12-19

  • 內容代稱變更後自動重新導向。
  • Fix param type in meta title

3.16.2 – 2022-12-13

  • Add integration for Auto Listings plugin
  • WooCommerce integration: Fix title for shop page. Now it takes from the SEO settings and fallback to the page title.
  • Updated recommended image size for Facebook and Twitter
  • Hide Code tab if disable “code” feature
  • Add Redirection to features list to enable/disable it if needed

3.16.1 – 2022-11-29

  • Add migration redirects from other plugins
  • Improve compatibility with Genesis
  • Move auto redirection feature to Settings in Redirection tab
  • Fix translation for JS
  • Fix AIO SEO error when migration if the plugin is not activated
  • Fix admin columns not available for post types created late

3.16.0 – 2022-11-10

3.15.2 – 2022-09-22

  • Use post excerpt if available for meta description before the builder content in case of using page builders
  • Fix JS warning in the settings page when migration tool is not available

3.15.1 – 2022-08-18

  • Fix enqueuing wrong quick/bulk edit CSS/JS for the settings page
  • Improve check for getting SEO data

3.15.0 – 2022-08-12

  • Edit SEO data in quick edit and bulk edit
  • Hide Tools tab if no other SEO plugins active (for migration)
  • Add hooks for Twitter Cards
  • Fix CSS when Elementor is active

3.14.2 – 2022-07-04

  • Removed image caption and title from the sitemap as they’re deprecated by Google
  • Fix compatibility with the form widget (FluentForms) in Oxygen
  • Fix compatibility with FluentForms

3.14.1 – 2022-06-21

  • Fix parsing content from ZionBuilder brakes image slider
  • Fix breadcrumbs schema output when it’s inactive

3.14.0 – 2022-06-18

  • Add support for Divi page builder
  • Add support for Zion page builder
  • Fix PHP notice when disabling breadcrumbs

3.13.4 – 2022-04-11

  • Fix not showing taxonomy terms for hierarchical post types

3.13.3 – 2022-03-21

  • Sitemap: don’t parse shortcodes in post content
  • Fix error migrating from AIO SEO

3.13.2 – 2022-02-13

  • Fix fatal error on WP < 5

3.13.1 – 2022-02-10

  • Fix noindex is added to robots with some plugins/themes alter the main query loop

3.13.0 – 2022-02-08

  • Add integration for Bricks Builder
  • Fix jumping when switching tabs
  • Fix not rendering dynamic blocks for meta tags

3.12.0 – 2022-01-07

  • Add Divi compatibility. Props Jay (@grandeljay)
  • Disable HTTPS notification on local environments
  • Improve the code of the settings page

3.11.1 – 2021-11-16

  • Fix error on taxonomy page

3.11.0 – 2021-11-16

  • Show meta title and meta description in admin columns
  • Add migration for SEOPress
  • Migrate noindex settings

3.10.2 – 2021-09-27

  • Breadcrumbs: add link to post type archive for taxonomies if the taxonomy is attached to one post type only
  • Fix text domain for string translations

3.10.1 – 2021-07-22

  • Fix Jetpack Boost defer JS made sitemap disabled
  • Fix Meta Box plugin shortcodes parsed for the meta description

3.10.0 – 2021-03-15

  • Add fb:app_id and twitter:site meta tags
  • Improve style for settings page
  • Remove header cleaner service which breaks HTTPS checking in Site Health and provides no SEO benefits.
  • Fix missing message when saving settings
  • Fix cannot disable auto redirection

3.9.4 – 2021-03-06

  • Improve meta robots tag to be compatible with WordPress 5.7

3.9.3 – 2021-03-01

  • Add theme support for meta title in case theme authors forget
  • Fix notice appear for article author in Open Graph
  • Improve migration from AIO SEO

3.9.2 – 2021-02-08

  • Improve migration from AIO SEO

3.9.1 – 2020-02-06

  • Add filter for open graph tag values
  • Add article:author open graph tag to support Pinterest

3.9.0 – 2020-12-24

  • Add options to enable/disable plugin features

3.8.0 – 2020-12-02

  • Add migration from Rank Math
  • Fix rel links for the the static blog page
  • Add filter for Open Graph tags

3.7.1 – 2020-11-18

  • Hide Elementor, Beaver Builder, Oxygen template post types in sitemaps

3.7.0 – 2020-11-17

  • Add integration for WPML and Polylang.

3.6.2 – 2020-11-02

  • Fix canonical URL for static blog page.

3.6.1 – 2020-10-26

  • Fix no spaces between HTML tags when generate description automatically in Oxygen
  • Hide SEO settings meta box for Oxygen templates
  • Fix PHP notice when generate meta description if post not found

3.6.0 – 2020-10-21

  • Add default Facebook and Twitter images for sharing
  • Don’t remove meta values from other SEO plugins after migration (for safety)

3.5.4 – 2020-09-29

  • Show large image in the SERP
  • Fix SEOFramework migration

3.5.3 – 2020-09-10

  • Add support for Velocity plugin.

3.5.2 – 2020-09-05

  • Fix SEO settings not appear for WooCommerce categories.
  • Add Settings link on the plugin row.

3.5.1 – 2020-08-10

  • Hotfix for not checking Google Web Stories.

3.5.0 – 2020-08-10

  • Add support for Google Web Stories.
  • Improve integrations for Jetpack and AMP. Disable Jetpack SEO tools completely when the plugin is activated.
  • Ensure no meta if users enter nothing.
  • Sanitize plugin options, remove option if no settings is saved.

3.4.8 – 2020-08-06

  • Temporarily disable the core sitemaps in WordPress 5.5 to avoid any conflict and redundancy. We’re working on a deep integration to make sure Slim SEO works well with it.

3.4.7 – 2020-07-29

  • Fix typo in JS which breaks the preview of meta fields.

3.4.6 – 2020-07-28

  • Fix JS error can’t update counter.
  • Remove invalid characters in the sitemap XML.
  • Fix non-protocol URL of images in the sitemap.

3.4.5 – 2020-07-21

  • Fix image relative URLs in the sitemap.
  • Add default title for images in the sitemap.
  • Fix JavaScript error if the post edit is customized and don’t have the plugin inputs.

3.4.4 – 2020-07-16

  • Fix Oxygen’s code blog not working.

3.4.3 – 2020-07-06

  • Fix compatibility with EDD Invoices plugin.

3.4.2 – 2020-06-19

  • Fix Oxygen slider not rendering properly.
  • Increase the maximum number of URLs in sitemap to 2000.
  • Add filter to change query args for sitemaps.
  • Paginate taxonomy sitemap.

3.4.1 – 2020-06-12

  • Hotfix error editing Oxygen templates.

3.4.0 – 2020-06-12

  • Add integration for LifterLMS: fix compatibility issues and allow users to define meta title/description for catalog pages. Props Rocco Aliberti.
  • Add integration for Oxygen builder, now the plugin parses the content built with Oxygen.
  • Add filter for changing context/priority for meta box.
  • Add support for output code after the opening <body> tag.
  • Fix illegal string offset ‘url’ in post sitemap.
  • Use WP native .description CSS class.

3.3.2 – 2020-05-21

  • Add password protection support for meta description
  • Add rel prev/next links for archive pages

3.3.1 – 2020-05-04

  • Fix missing function get_term_value for image

3.3.0 – 2020-05-03

  • Add canonical URL for missing pages
  • Add settings for homepage when it shows latest posts
  • Add filter for breadcrumb links to make work with other plugins
  • Improve UI, removing tabs

3.2.3 – 2020-04-20

  • Remove canonical link when a page is not indexed
  • Fix “Hide from search result pages” not working for static blog & WooCommerce shop pages.
  • Fix wrong text domain

3.2.2 – 2020-02-25

  • Fix loopback request failed in Site Health
  • Load Open Graph, Twitter Cards & Breadcrumbs on the front end only
  • Update JavaScript code, using vanilla JavaScript (no jQuery)

3.2.1 – 2020-02-12

  • Fix stable tag in readme

3.2.0 – 2020-02-12

  • Add migration tool to migrate SEO data from popular SEO plugins.


  • Fixed: Fix SEO settings not working for WooCommerce shop
  • Fixed: Fix multiple messages sent when using Very Simple Contact Form
  • Fixed: Fix WordPress deprecation notice for sanitize_url
  • Fixed: Fix “non-object” error on posts having no author
  • Changed: Remove filter to disable schema. Use slim_seo_init hook instead.


  • Fixed: Add missing meta description for author archive
  • Changed: Allow developers to disable features


  • Fixed: Fix JS error when the admin notice is hid by other plugins
  • Fixed: Fix tag from HappyForms being removed
  • Changed: Remove noindexed posts/terms from sitemap


  • Add image settings for social networks


  • Add live preview for meta tags


  • Added: Add character counter for custom meta tags
  • Changed: Change length of meta description to 160 characters.
  • Fixed: Fix custom meta tags for terms


  • Add meta box for entering custom meta tags for posts and terms
  • Add settings page for entering header/footer code (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, webmaster tools verification)


  • Output paginated sitemap for sites with thousands of posts


  • Add support for AMP
  • Add image sitemap
  • Add Organization schema


  • Fixed: Fix no error notice on WooCommerce login page.
  • Added: Add SSL warning.


  • Disable schema markup for Beaver Theme and Genesis.


  • Output Article and Author for single posts only.


  • Improved Schema markup. Use united schema output inside one <script> tag and add connections between entities. See documentation for details.


  • Removed preferred site name from JSON-LD as Google drops support for it.
  • Made notification dismissible.


  • Added: Added excerpt to pages to let users customize meta description, especially for static homepage.
  • Added: Added support for JSON-LD structured data. Supported Website data (including search box) and Breadcrumbs.
  • Added: Redirect author page to homepage if no posts or the website has only one user.
  • Added: Added support for meta robots tag.
    • Do not index the follow links:
      • search results
      • 404 錯誤
      • feed
      • private posts
      • page with no content
    • Do not follow links:
      • register
      • login


  • Added: Added notification for SEO settings errors in the admin.
  • Added: Added link to original post in the feed.
  • Changed: Flushed rewrite rules on plugin activate/deactivate to make Sitemap URL works automatically.
  • Fixed: Fixed shortcodes in post content not parsed in meta description. Fixed for page builders like Divi.


  • Changed: Redirect attachment page to the attachment URL (image or file URL) instead of parent post. This allows users to see the full-size image. Works when users insert a gallery into post and they want to see full-size images.


  • Added: Added breadcrumbs functionality. Use [slim_seo_breadcrumbs] shortcode to output in your template files. See documentation.


  • Added: Added sitemap URL to robots.txt
  • Added: Auto add missing alt attribute for images.


  • Added: redirect attachment page to parent post.


  • First version.