The AI-Powered Quiz Platform

Activate ideal customers with quizzes and convert them from passive viewers into engaged buyers.


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Est. 2014 - since then, our customers have seen...


quiz impressions


quizzes completed


lead generated

What quiz should you make for your business?

Find your perfect lead generation quiz. Unlock the power of a 40% conversion rate that quizzes offer by finding the exact quiz type that will work for your business.

Figuring out how to generate quality leads who want to join your community – and actually invest in your offers – can make you feel scattered and confused.

Most lead magnets are bland. And less than engaging. But quizzes are both fun and interactive.


Interact makes quizzes easy to create. And you get to inject them with your personality and brand voice.

You can use your quiz as one of your daily posts on all of your social media platforms. Then you can use what you learn to personalize your marketing.

Get shared like crazy. And almost feel like having a conversation with a real human being.

Actually warm up your audience as you build your email list. Bonus: your quiz helps you establish know, like, and trust from the get go. So that your new leads can’t wait to invest in your offers.

Other Lead Generation Strategies

Search Engine Optimization is complex as heck and the results are often so disappointing.

To gain any traction on social media you’ve got to post every. single. day. And you still don’t really learn anything relevant about your audience.

Organic reach has gone the way of the home phone. To get eyes on your social posts, you’ve gotta spend the big bucks.

And even if people do choose to download your freebie... Most ebooks and PDFs end up gathering virtual dust on your subscribers’ hard drives – NOT turn them into raving fans clambering for more of your magic.

Interact quiz builder displayed on laptop

Let’s face it: one size fits all is never the perfect fit your potential customers are looking for.

But quizzes? They check ALL the boxes...

 QuizGuide/EbookWebinarChallengeCourseChecklistCase studyWorkbookCalculatorCouponFree consult
Low cost per lead
Connection building
Easy to create
High conversion
from lead to buyer
Works on autopilot
Viral potential

Low cost per lead


Connection building

Easy to create

High conversion from lead to buyer

Works on autopilot

Viral potential

5 easy steps to grow, engage, and excite your email list

(Full of people who can’t wait to invest in your offers.)

Step 1

Choose the conversion focused template that best fits your goals

We’ve got hundreds of fully customizable templates to choose from and we’re constantly making more for you!

Of course you can start from scratch and write your own!

But our templates will still help you get a feel for what kinds of questions you can ask to engage your readers. And qualify your leads. They’ll also show you how to write results that make your quiz takers exclaim “You get me!” Promise.

Plus our partnership with Unsplash makes it super easy for you to populate your quiz with diverse and beautiful stock images.

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Step 2

Style your quiz to perfectly match your brand

You get complete control over your colors, fonts, logos, urls, and images.

So you can white-label your quiz.

Make sure it fits seamlessly into your brand aesthetic.

And never leads quiz takers to wonder "Where the heck am I?" after clicking that Take the Quiz button.

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Step 3

Integrate it with any and all of your marketing platforms

With over 30 native integrations and any Zap you need, you can rest assured that your leads will land exactly where you want them.

You can also download the emails of those real human beings you already know so much about → with advanced analytics intact ← into a .csv file any time you'd like.

Don’t worry if tech stuff gives you the heebie-jeebies. You’ve got access to all the help you need. Just chat in or email and our Customer Success Manager will get back to you within moments during business hours, Monday-Friday.

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Step 4

Embed it anywhere on your website

(Don’t have a website? No problem, we’re happy to host your quiz for you. And give you a direct link to share.)

Pop-up? Header? Footer? Right smack dab in the middle of your homepage? As the Call to Action for a blog post? Anywhere else you can imagine? Yes, exactly. Anywhere you can imagine.

With direct integrations, we make it simple to promote your quiz all over your website. Whether your site’s custom coded or you use any and all of the website builders in the digital universe.

And you can redirect quiz results to your own landing page without losing all of your segmentation abilities.

Red arrow pointing down

Step 5

Nerd out on all that data

Then use it to optimize. Sell more. And make a bigger impact.

Get a bird’s eye view to see how your quiz is performing.

And really get to know your audience with survey style analytics that show you:

  • How your leads answer each question
  • How engaged the people are
  • How each question is performing

So you can optimize the heck out of your quiz and your biz.

Quizzes get serious results...

Interact quiz builder displayed on laptop

Looking for some support to help you sort out your quiz strategy and funnel tech?

Start your 14 Day Free Trial to get instant access to our conversion focused templates and in-depth quiz course (including our step-by-step Facebook Ads bonus!).

Help me launch my quiz!

Little details that make a big difference

Click for more info!

3 Types of Quizzes

Drag and Drop Branching Logic

Collect Meaningful Data

Fully Mobile Responsive

Keep People Engaged

Free Quiz Courses

White Label Your Quiz

GDPR Compliant

Woman on laptop

Quizzes work:

Abigail Dyer

“Interact has been the #1 way I've grown my email list by 400% this year. I love it so much, and now I've got my website design clients signing up too! The only thing better than a pretty website, is one that converts, and Interacts helps us do just that. Thanks for providing a product that WORKS and is worth shouting from the rooftops about!”

Abigail Dyer

Tammie Allen

“I like that Interact has templates for almost any type of quiz that you can think of to help you get started attracting an audience and growing your email list. I am ready to make great strides, and changes in my business, and these lead magnet quizzes through Interact will help me to accomplish this.”

Tammie Allen

Baidhurya Mani

“Interact has enabled me to personalize marketing and take my lead generation to the next level. I have generated a couple of thousand leads in the past year or so using a single quiz. I love how Interact lets me completely personalize the quiz results and tag/segment users in my email service provider based on users' responses. And the best part is that setting up the tool is super easy.”

Baidhurya Mani

Roxanne Arsene

“Interact is an amazing tool to know your audience better and grow your subscribers' lists fast. I’ve been using it for a few months, and I was very delighted to see my subscribers' list grew by 200% in 2 weeks.”

Roxanne Arsene

Dr. Jazmine

“Using Interact to serve my audience and grow my email list has been a game changer. In less than two months, I've grown my email list by 14,000! I've used other opt-ins in the past like free webinars, challenges and resources, but this has been the most effective by far! Thank you, Thank you!”

Dr. Jazmine

Kaitlyn Parker

“Interact is fun and easy to use with a great support team. There are lots of great integrations that make it possible to create a seamless funnel with your email list. I was able to gain ~10+ new subscribers per day within the first 4 days of posting. It makes it easy for your audience to get involved with your brand and obtain valuable insight! Interact gets an A++ in my book.”

Kaitlyn Parker

Looking for results like these?

Get me in on that action!