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Translation of 6.6.x - Development: Luxembourgish

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Prio Original string Translation
<strong>Error:</strong> The email field is empty. <strong>FEELER</strong>: D'Feld vum E-mail ass eidel. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> The email field is empty.

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<strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect. <strong>FEELER</strong>: D'Passwuert, daat Dir fir d'Emailsadress %s aginn hutt, ass falsch. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect.

%s: Email address.


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<strong>Error:</strong> Invalid username, email address or incorrect password. <strong>FEELER</strong>: Benotzernumm oder E-mailsadress ongülteg oder falscht Passwuert. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> Invalid username, email address or incorrect password.

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<strong>Error:</strong> Your comment is too long. <strong>FEELER</strong>: äre Kommentar ass ze laang. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> Your comment is too long.

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<strong>Error:</strong> Your email address is too long. <strong>FEELER</strong>: är E-mailsadress ass ze laang Details
<strong>Error:</strong> Your email address is too long.

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<strong>Error:</strong> Your name is too long. <strong>FEELER</strong>: äre Numm ass ze laang. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> Your name is too long.

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<strong>Error:</strong> Your URL is too long. <strong>FEELER</strong>: är URL ass ze laang Details
<strong>Error:</strong> Your URL is too long.

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Invalid object type. Ongültegen Objekttyp Details
Invalid object type.

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<strong>Error:</strong> Sorry, that username is not allowed. <strong>FEELER</strong>: Dëse Benotzernumm ass leider net erlaabt. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> Sorry, that username is not allowed.

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<strong>Error:</strong> %1$s in %2$s can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores. <strong>FEELER</strong>: %1$s an %2$s däerf nëmmen aus Zifferen, Buschtawen an Underscoren (_) bestoen. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> %1$s in %2$s can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores.

1: $table_prefix, 2: wp-config.php


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Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname? Sidd Dir sécher, datt Dir dee richtegen Hostnumm uginn huet? Details
Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?

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Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load? Sidd Dir sécher, datt den Datebankserver net aussergewéinlech ausgelaascht ass? Details
Are you sure the database server is not under particularly heavy load?

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Are you sure the database server is running? Sidd Dir sécher, datt den Datebankserver leeft? Details
Are you sure the database server is running?

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<strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect. <strong>FEELER</strong>: D'Passwuert, daat dir fir de Benotzernumm %s aginn hutt, ass falsch. Details
<strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.

%s: User name.


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Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment. Dir hutt net d'Erlaabnis fir dëse Kommentar ze moderéieren oder ze änneren. Details
Sorry, you are not allowed to moderate or edit this comment.

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