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Translation of 6.6.x - Development: Basque

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Prio Original string Translation
Update PHP PHP eguneratu Details
Update PHP

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Could not retrieve site data. Ezin izan da jaso guneko informazioa. Details
Could not retrieve site data.

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Embed Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) content. Embed Crowdsignal (Polldaddy ohia) edukia. Details
Embed Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) content.

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REST API routes must be registered on the %s action. REST APIren ibilbideak erregistratua egon behar dira %s action-en. Details
REST API routes must be registered on the %s action.

%s: rest_api_init


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%1$s, and %2$s %1$s, eta %2$s Details
%1$s, and %2$s

Used to join last two items in a list with more than 2 times.


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  • Singular:
    Failed <span class="count">(%s)</span>
  • Plural:
    Failed <span class="count">(%s)</span>
  • Singular:
    Errorea <span class="count">(%s)</span>
  • Plural:
    Errorea <span class="count">(%s)</span>
Singular: Failed <span class="count">(%s)</span>
Plural: Failed <span class="count">(%s)</span>

%s: Number of failed requests.


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The %s table is not installed. Please run the network database upgrade. %s taula ez dago instalatuta. Mesedez, exekuta ezazu sarearen datu-basearen berritzea. Details
The %s table is not installed. Please run the network database upgrade.

%s: Database table name.


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Site %d %d gunea Details
Site %d

%d: Site ID.


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Both registration and last updated dates must be valid dates. Erregistro eta azken bertsio datak data baliozkoak izan behar dira. Details
Both registration and last updated dates must be valid dates.

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Both registration and last updated dates must be provided. Erregistro eta azken bertsio datak beharrezkoak dira. Details
Both registration and last updated dates must be provided.

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Site domain must not be empty. Gunearen domeinua ezin da hutsik egon. Details
Site domain must not be empty.

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Could not delete site from the database. Ezin izan da datu-basetik gunea ezabatu. Details
Could not delete site from the database.

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Could not update site in the database. Ezin izan da gunea datu-basean aktualizatu. Details
Could not update site in the database.

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Site does not exist. Gunea ez da existitzen. Details
Site does not exist.

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Could not insert site into the database. Ezin izan da gunea datu-basean sartu. Details
Could not insert site into the database.

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Changes requested
With warnings
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