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Translation of 6.6.x - Development: Asturian

Prio Original string Translation
Delete template: %s Esbillar plantía: %s Details
Delete template: %s

%s: template title


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Always open List View Abrir siempre la vista de llista Details
Always open List View

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Opens the List View sidebar by default. Abre la barra llateral de la vista del bloque de llista de forma predeterminada. Details
Opens the List View sidebar by default.

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Use the same %s on all screen sizes. Usar el mesmu %s en tolos tamaños de pantalla. Details
Use the same %s on all screen sizes.

%s: Property value for the control (eg: margin, padding, etc.).


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Search or type URL Guetar o escribir url Details
Search or type URL

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Select a variation to start with: Esbilla una variación pa entamar. Details
Select a variation to start with:

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Enter a word or two — without spaces — to make a unique web address just for this block, called an “anchor”. Then, you’ll be able to link directly to this section of your page. Pon una dos pallabres — ensin espacios — pa crear una direición web única, llamámosla "ancla", pa esti bloque.” Depués podrás enllazar direutamente a esta estaya de la páxina. Details
Enter a word or two — without spaces — to make a unique web address just for this block, called an “anchor”. Then, you’ll be able to link directly to this section of your page.

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Change block type or style %s: Cambiar la triba o l'estilu del bloque Details
Change block type or style

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Select Site Icon Esbilla un iconu pal sitiu Details
Select Site Icon

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  • Singular:
    %s word
  • Plural:
    %s words
  • Singular:
    %d pallabra
  • Plural:
    %d pallabres
Singular: %s word
Plural: %s words

%s: the number of words in the post.


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Enable pingbacks & trackbacks Pemitir pingbacks y trackbacks Details
Enable pingbacks & trackbacks

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Front Page Páxina d'entamu Details
Front Page

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Changes requested
With warnings

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