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Translation of Administration: Malay

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Prio Original string Translation
<a href="">Revisions Management</a> <a href="">Pengurusan Semakan</a> Details
<a href="">Revisions Management</a>

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  • Singular:
    %s pattern restored from the Trash.
  • Plural:
    %s patterns restored from the Trash.
%s blok dipulihkan dari Sampah. Details
Singular: %s pattern restored from the Trash.
Plural: %s patterns restored from the Trash.

%s: Number of patterns.


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The template contains a suggestion of sections you most likely will need. Under each section heading, you will find a short summary of what information you should provide, which will help you to get started. Some sections include suggested policy content, others will have to be completed with information from your theme and plugins. Kami telah mengesyorkan bahagian yang anda akan perlukan. Di bawah setiap pengepala bahagian anda akan menjumpai ringkasan pendek tentang apa maklumat yang anda patut berikan, yang akan menolong anda bermula. Beberapa bahagian termasuk kandungan dasar yang disyorkan, lain-lain akan perlu dilengkapkan daripada tema dan pemalam anda. Details
The template contains a suggestion of sections you most likely will need. Under each section heading, you will find a short summary of what information you should provide, which will help you to get started. Some sections include suggested policy content, others will have to be completed with information from your theme and plugins.

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Erasing data... Memadam Data... Details
If your website provides a service which includes automated decision making - for example, allowing customers to apply for credit, or aggregating their data into an advertising profile - you must note that this is taking place, and include information about how that information is used, what decisions are made with that aggregated data, and what rights users have over decisions made without human intervention. Jika laman web anda menyediakan perkhidmatan dimana ia termasuk pilihan keputusan secara automatik - contohnya, membenarkan pelanggan untuk memohon kredit, atau mengumpul data mereka ke dalam profail pengiklanan - anda mesti nyatakan bahawa ianya sedang dilakukan, dan sertakan maklumat tentang bagaimana maklumat itu digunakan, apa keputusan yang dibuat dengan data yang dikumpul, dan apa hak-hak pengguna terhadap keputusan yang dibuat tanpa campur tangan manusia. Details
If your website provides a service which includes automated decision making - for example, allowing customers to apply for credit, or aggregating their data into an advertising profile - you must note that this is taking place, and include information about how that information is used, what decisions are made with that aggregated data, and what rights users have over decisions made without human intervention.

Privacy policy tutorial.


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If your website receives data about users from third parties, including advertisers, this information must be included within the section of your privacy policy dealing with third party data. Jika laman web anda menerima data berkenaan pengguna daripada pihak ketiga, termasuklah pengiklan, maklumat ini mesti disertakan dalam bahagian dasar privasi anda yang berkaitan dengan data pihak ketiga. Details
If your website receives data about users from third parties, including advertisers, this information must be included within the section of your privacy policy dealing with third party data.

Privacy policy tutorial.


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In this section you should explain how long you retain personal data collected or processed by the website. While it is your responsibility to come up with the schedule of how long you keep each dataset for and why you keep it, that information does need to be listed here. For example, you may want to say that you keep contact form entries for six months, analytics records for a year, and customer purchase records for ten years. Dalam bahagian ini anda harus terangkan berapa lama anda menyimpan data peribadi yang dikumpul atau diproses oleh laman web. Sungguhpun adalah tanggungjawab anda untuk menyediakan jadual tentang berapa laman anda menyimpan setiap set data dan mengapa anda menyimpannya, maklumat tersebut masih perlu disenaraikan di sini. Contohnya, anda mungkin ingin menyatakan bahawa anda menyimpan kemasukan borang perhubungan selama enam bulan, rekod analitik selama setahun, dan rekod pembelian pelanggan selama sepuluh tahun. Details
In this section you should explain how long you retain personal data collected or processed by the website. While it is your responsibility to come up with the schedule of how long you keep each dataset for and why you keep it, that information does need to be listed here. For example, you may want to say that you keep contact form entries for six months, analytics records for a year, and customer purchase records for ten years.

Privacy policy tutorial.


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If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser. Jika anda mempunyai akaun dan anda log masuk ke laman ini, kami akan tetapkan kuki sementari untuk menentukan jika pelayar anda menerima kukil. Kuki ini tidak mengandungi data peribadi dan dibuang apabila anda menutup pelayar anda. Details
If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

Default privacy policy text.


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In this subsection you should list the cookies your website uses, including those set by your plugins, social media, and analytics. We have provided the cookies which WordPress installs by default. Dalam sub-bahagian ini anda harus menyenaraikan kuki yang laman anda gunakan, termasuklah yang ditetapkan oleh pemalam, media sosial, dan analitik anda. Kami telah menyediakan kuki yang dipasang oleh WordPress secara lalai. Details
In this subsection you should list the cookies your website uses, including those set by your plugins, social media, and analytics. We have provided the cookies which WordPress installs by default.

Privacy policy tutorial.


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This text template will help you to create your website&#8217;s privacy policy. Templat teks ini akan membantu anda mencipta dasar privasi laman web anda. Details
This text template will help you to create your website&#8217;s privacy policy.

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As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy. Sebagai pemilik laman web, anda mungkin perlu mengikut perundangan privasi kebangsaan atau antarabangsa. Sebagai contoh, anda mungkin perlu mencipta dan memaparkan Dasar Privasi. Details
As a website owner, you may need to follow national or international privacy laws. For example, you may need to create and display a privacy policy.

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Force erasure has failed. Padam Paksa telah gagal. Details
Force erasure has failed.

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Sorry, you are not allowed to erase personal data on this site. Maaf, anda tidak dibenarkan memadam data di laman ini. Details
Sorry, you are not allowed to erase personal data on this site.

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You should also review your privacy policy from time to time, especially after installing or updating any themes or plugins. There may be changes or new suggested information for you to consider adding to your policy. Kami juga ingin mencadangkan kajian semula Dasar Privasi anda dari semasa ke semasa, khasnya selepas memasang atau mengemas kini apa-apa tema atau pemalam. Mungkin ianya terdapat perubahan atau maklumat baharu yang dicadangkan bagi anda pertimbangkan untuk ditambah ke dasar anda. Details
You should also review your privacy policy from time to time, especially after installing or updating any themes or plugins. There may be changes or new suggested information for you to consider adding to your policy.

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However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that information current and accurate. Walau bagaimana pun, adalah tanggungjawab anda untuk menggunakan sumber tersebut dengan betul, untuk menyediakan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh dasar privasi anda, dan untuk memastikan bahawa maklumat adalah terkini dan tepat. Details
However, it is your responsibility to use those resources correctly, to provide the information that your privacy policy requires, and to keep that information current and accurate.

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With warnings
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