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Translation of 6.5.x: Chinese (Taiwan)

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Prio Original string Translation
Install 安裝 Details
Hide 隱藏 Details
Add block 新增區塊 Details
Add block

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Scheduled 已排程 Details
Pending 待確認 Details
Featured Image 精選圖片 Details
Featured Image

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<a %1$s>Work</a>/ %2$s
<a %1$s>作品</a>的授權方式為 %2$s Details
<a %1$s>Work</a>/ %2$s
Context caption

%1s: Link attributes for a given Openverse media work; %2s: Works’s licence e.g: “CC0 1.0”.


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Examples of blocks in the %s category 在 [%s] 分類中的區塊範例 Details
Examples of blocks in the %s category

%s: Category of blocks, e.g. Text.


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A custom template can be manually applied to any post or page. 自訂範本可以手動套用至任何文章及頁面。 Details
A custom template can be manually applied to any post or page.

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Create new template parts, or reset any customizations made to the template parts supplied by your theme. 建立先範本組件,或重設對目前使用的佈景主題提供的範本組件所做的任何變更。 Details
Create new template parts, or reset any customizations made to the template parts supplied by your theme.

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Create new templates, or reset any customizations made to the templates supplied by your theme. 建立新範本,或重設對目前使用的佈景主題提供的範本所做的任何變更。 Details
Create new templates, or reset any customizations made to the templates supplied by your theme.

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Customize the appearance of your website using the block editor. 使用區塊編輯器自訂這個網站的外觀。 Details
Customize the appearance of your website using the block editor.

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block keyword
頁面 Details
Context block keyword

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Displays a page inside a list of all pages.
block description
在同一頁面中顯示全部頁面的清單。 Details
Displays a page inside a list of all pages.
Context block description

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Page List Item
block title
頁面清單項目 Details
Page List Item
Context block title

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Changes requested
With warnings
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