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Translation of 6.5.x: Slovak

Prio Original string Translation
Displays an audio player. Zobrazí audio prehrávač. Details
Displays an audio player.

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Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider. Zobrazí video z knižnice médií, YouTube, Vimeo alebo od iného poskytovateľa. Details
Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider.

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Add to Widget Pridať do widgetu Details
Add to Widget

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Arbitrary HTML code. Ľubovoľný kód HTML. Details
Arbitrary HTML code.

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Custom HTML Vlastné HTML Details
Custom HTML

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Some HTML tags are not permitted, including: Niektoré HTML tagy nie sú povolené, vrátane: Details
Some HTML tags are not permitted, including:

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Arbitrary text. Ľubovoľný text. Details
Arbitrary text.

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New Custom HTML Widget Nový vlastný HTML widget Details
New Custom HTML Widget

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Did you just paste HTML? Vložili ste kód HTML? Details
Did you just paste HTML?

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Invalid action name. Neplatný názov akcie. Details
Invalid action name.

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[%1$s] Confirm Action: %2$s [%1$s] Potvrdiť akciu: %2$s Details
[%1$s] Confirm Action: %2$s

Confirm privacy data request notification email subject. 1: Site title, 2: Name of the action.


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request status
Neúspešný Details
Context request status

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Comment %d contains personal data but could not be anonymized. Komentár %d obsahuje osobné údaje, ale nemôže byť anonymizovaný. Details
Comment %d contains personal data but could not be anonymized.

%d: Comment ID.


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Privacy Policy Zásady ochrany osobných údajov Details
Privacy Policy

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Changes requested
With warnings

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