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Translation of 6.5.x: Romanian

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Prio Original string Translation
Table Tabel Details
Schedule… Programează... Details

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Color: %s Culoare: %s Details
Color: %s

%s: The name of the color e.g: “vivid red”.


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Z → A Z A Details
Z → A

label for ordering posts by title in descending order
Label for ordering posts by title in descending order.


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Allow comments Permite comentarii Details
Allow comments

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Write an excerpt (optional) Scrie un rezumat (opțional) Details
Write an excerpt (optional)

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Learn more about manual excerpts Află mai multe despre rezumatele manuale Details
Learn more about manual excerpts

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Use a post format Folosește un format de articol Details
Use a post format

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Apply the "%1$s" format. Aplică formatul „%1$s”. Details
Apply the "%1$s" format.

%s: post format


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Add tags Adaugă etichete Details
Add tags

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%s address Adresă %s Details
%s address

%s: post type singular name


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Are you ready to submit for review? Ești gata să trimiți spre revizuire? Details
Are you ready to submit for review?

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When you’re ready, submit your work for review, and an Editor will be able to approve it for you. Când ești gata, trimite-ți lucrarea pentru a fi revizuită și un editor o va putea aproba pentru tine. Details
When you’re ready, submit your work for review, and an Editor will be able to approve it for you.

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Are you ready to schedule? Ești gata să programezi? Details
Are you ready to schedule?

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Are you ready to publish? Ești gata să publici? Details
Are you ready to publish?

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With warnings
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