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Translation of 6.5.x: Finnish

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Prio Original string Translation
Publish Settings Julkaisuasetukset Details
Method '%s' must be overridden. Metodi '%s' pitää korvata. Details
Method '%s' must be overridden.

%s: register_routes()


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Chapters Siirry sekunti taaksepäin Details

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Live Broadcast Live-lähetys Details
Live Broadcast

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Activate & Publish Aktivoi & julkaise Details
Activate & Publish

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Draft Saved Luonnos tallennettu Details
Draft Saved

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Updating Päivittää Details

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Please save your changes in order to share the preview. Tallenna muutokset jakaaksesi esikatselunäkymän muillekin. Details
Please save your changes in order to share the preview.

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Downloading your new theme… Ladataan uusi teemasi… Details
Downloading your new theme…

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Reverting unpublished changes… Palautetaan julkaisemattomat muutokset … Details
Reverting unpublished changes…

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  • Singular:
    There is %d error which must be fixed before you can save.
  • Plural:
    There are %d errors which must be fixed before you can save.
  • Singular:
    Korjaa %d virhe tallentaaksesi.
  • Plural:
    Korjaa %d virhettä tallentaaksesi.
Singular: There is %d error which must be fixed before you can save.
Plural: There are %d errors which must be fixed before you can save.

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Schedule your customization changes to publish ("go live") at a future date. Ajasta muutostesi julkaisu tulevalle päivämäärälle. Details
Schedule your customization changes to publish ("go live") at a future date.

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Howdy ###USERNAME###, You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed. If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it: ###ADMIN_URL### You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to take this action. This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL### Terve ###USERNAME###, Pyysit hiljattain käyttäjätilisi sähköpostiosoitetta muutettavaksi. Jos tämä pitää paikkansa, klikkaa seuraavaa linkkiä muuttaaksesi sen: ###ADMIN_URL### Jos et halua vaihtaa sähköpostiosoitetta, voit tuhota tämän sähköpostiviestin. Tämä sähköposti on lähetetty osoitteeseen ###EMAIL### Terveisin, ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL### Details
Howdy ###USERNAME###, You recently requested to have the email address on your account changed. If this is correct, please click on the following link to change it: ###ADMIN_URL### You can safely ignore and delete this email if you do not want to take this action. This email has been sent to ###EMAIL### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###

Do not translate USERNAME, ADMIN_URL, EMAIL, SITENAME, SITEURL: those are placeholders.


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Use the Custom HTML widget to add arbitrary HTML code to your widget areas. Käytä mukautettua HTML-vimpainta lisätäksesi omaa HTML-koodiasi vimpainalueille. Details
Use the Custom HTML widget to add arbitrary HTML code to your widget areas.

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Custom HTML Widget Mukautettu HTML-vimpain Details
Custom HTML Widget

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